Jan 31, 2004 15:56
Yesterday was a normal Friday night. I went to class at 1 got out at around 2 and headed back to my dorm room. I think I did ok on the test we had to take. So anyways, everyone goes home on the weekends and my mom doesnt come get me until like 7pm on Fridays. So I sat there all day long just thinking. I forget what about now though. Probably trying to regain brain cells from the previous week of nothing but studying. Went to dinner at around 5ish and my Mom called and told me she was leaving the house. So I went and ate dinner with Ali and Sara and some other people..I left early from there for different reasons and b/c I had to pack.
So I packed and my Mom came and she came in my dorm room and sat down while we talked and I packed. So we went home and listened to Colombian music...oh man I LOVE it!! So passionate...so romantic...so beautiful!
So I got home and called Jill and she said shed come pick me up. So she did. And off we were to this persons house that Bekah/Smilie was housesitting. So had alot of fun!!! Party time! It was like all of us and we hung out and listened to music and played games and did the "Cha-cha slide"...oh brings back memories of middle school. So Jonathan took me home at around 3:30am lol...thats probably the latist ive gotten home in a while! And whats bad is that I didnt have much sleep the night before so I was acting really really REALLY weird and hyper..people tell me I act like a drunk when ive had no sleep. I wouldnt know I dont drink lol. You can ask Jill...I was acting WEIRD!
SO I went to bed arounf 3:30...when I got home and I fell right to sleep..to wake up the nexrt morning for my dress fitting. Gosh...I hate getting mesurements..makes you be like "OH MY GOSH I NEED TO LOSE 15 POUNDS!!!".....I want to weigh 115...
My next door neighbor got a new puppy!! SHES SOOO CUTE!! A baby Yorkshire Terrior..SOO SMALL!! AND ADORABLE!! Its time like that where I wish I still had my professional camera and knew how to do black and while photography. I wanted to take pictures of the little doggie!! I'm going to take black and while photography next year. I wish I could put the pictures that I have took in the past up here..im going to have to figerout how to do that...I took over 600 in Germany of the country side....so beautiful!!! I want to blow some of them up and decorate my room with them! I use to have this camera, my dads actually that was really cool and could take awesome pictures, but it got stolen. The one I used in Germany was a small one but it took awesome pictures...:-)
My mom is going to translate that song I like from Colombia :-) i'll put that up here when I get them.
Until later God bless. I just noticed something...I just about started every paragraph with "so" hehe...