Jan 15, 2004 12:04
WOW, we have some master minds that work our govenrment! A driving test for example you have to do a BUNCH of crap no one ever does in every day driving. Like: Parallel parking...now if I dont wanna parallel park Im not going to! Then theres driving between 10 cones...and then backing through them...this is pointless! The day im driving down the road and I have to back through cones, is the day that i'll delet this post! AND THEN pulling into a parking spot then doing a reverse U turn into ANOTHER parking spot! THIS IS RETARDED!!! We have some complete masterminds in our government! BLAH! Like this talk show host says " Thats our government at work for ya!"!
But THATS not all! Take students who do not learn as fast as others. And they are real SMART but they just are not fast learners. THEY AUTOMATICALY put them in ALLLL day classes with mentaly disabeled students and they do not deserve to be put in there! THIS happened to me for 2 years of my life where I lost most of my self confedence to learn or to get anywhere in my life! Im STILL trying to overcome it to this day and this happened to me 7 and a half years ago! THEN these lower instutions of learning that they call "Special Education" SLLLLLLOOOWWWWWSSS down your learning process SOOO much that you get NO WHERE!!!.....American government at work right there....
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! When is the government going to stop being STUPID and get real! GEEEZZZZ!!
Ok im done venting. BYE God bless all!