Dec 11, 2003 14:08
WOW, it alllll began again at coffie house. Well, we all decide to do our crazy things at coffie house. And its ALWAYS Mikey-Paul who plans it lol :-D. Let me start from the begining sence I MUST tell every single last story in detail.
I was working on studying for Music and Joe was helping me. When Dave Mikey-Paul and the others come out from the back with a birthday cake. And those little popper thingys :-) yeah I was surprised, ive been surprised 3 times this week!!!!!! Ever sence I was 14 I have celebrated my birthday allll week long lol, with different groups of people. But that wasnt the fun part...well it was fun...but something else was fun....
Mikey-Paul started telling us about the ropes course that they have in the athletic complex. Ive never been down to the athletic complex before. SO we were all like LETS GO DOWN THERE!!! Its pitch dark down there at night and no one is allowed down wonder is why in the world then do they leave the gate WIDE OPEN?!?! I didnt know we werent allowed down there till they told me on the way there. I was like 'OH WELLL" it was an adventure b/c the ropes course is back in the woods. So we are all trying to be unnoticed and everything and running back through the woods...its FREEZING COLD out there. So its all dark and we come to this fence, and you couldnt really see it but there was this HUGE wall that you can climb, it was like 50 feet in the air. So Dave, Mikey-Paul and Rachel decided that they were going to FREE CLIMB IT!!!!!! Meaning with NO ropes or a belayer. Ali wanted to do it also but she had heals on...I wasnt about to do it b/c I rock climb as a hobby and I just dont wanna free climb something without a rope. Call me a chicken I dont care lol :-). So the ropes course is fenced off so Rachel, Mikey-Paul and Dave climbed up this HUGE tower in the back of it and made it to this little platform at the top..they went up pretty fast...and Mikey paul climbed back down the wall on the other side and Rachel came back down the way she came and Dave went back down the way he came. Me, Ali, and Deanna stayed on the other side of the fence ducking each time the cops came by. That area is heavely patrolled. This is the 2nd time ive done something remotly bad so cross examanation questions were running through my head lol! So we came back afterwards and on the way back Mikey Paul JUSY HAS to climb the light poste. Which is 100 feet high...the kind that they have in football and soccar fields. He scared the crap out of me...he had NOO equipment! But he made it down safely. So after running around and acting like absolute retards we came back to the coffie house lol.
It was pretty fun...but you know me I felt bad for trespassing. I Still had fun though...Mikey Paul told me that driving that stick in the rain the other night was more illigal then going down in the athletic complex. We came back FREEZING!! Me ears were burning lol. I canr believe that little Rachel climbed the wall all by herself without ropes lol...girls gonna join the marines also! She must be like 90 pounds.
Well my first semister of college is over!! AHHHH!!! I had fun, met lots of people! Its been gonna miss everyone who has left :-(. Im sure everyones gonna agree with me on this when I say we are ALLLL gonna miss crazy Dave!!!! He was soo much fun :-).
Christmas break here I come...25 days at home with my "at home" friends :-). Im going to boycot the internet for an entire week this on it WAYYYY TOO MUCH!!!! Ever sence the 10th grade, everytime I come home I get online. Theres more to life then music and the internet. B/c I sit here and chat and listen to music lol. Maybe i'll read a book :-)
I CAN'T WAIT FOR ROTK!!! Its gonna be FUN!!! This weekend im going to thew movies with my sister to see "The Last Sameri" it should be really good :-).
Well I gtg now BYEEE GOD BLESS!!! 4 finals down one to go :-). GOD BLESS EVERYONE!!