[Good news, everyone! Snake has finally figured out how to use the SFC, thanks to his master.
The bad news? As the feed clicks on, something is clearly wrong. Snake isn't looking into the camera, but instead to something off-screen. There's terror in his eyes, but he's trying to mask it with a clenched jaw and all the willpower he can spare. Two
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He doesn't know, and he's almost too terrified to find out. But he can't keep running forever.]
Most humans ran, or at least tried to fight. Or nothing at all. Usually, children were his ... preferred prey. They came to him easily.]
You would still chase us, wouldn't you? And you appear no matter where we go.
Though, he is a bit impressed that he has a bit of courage left.]
[This is a lose-lose situation, no matter the odds. Snake doesn't want to die- most certainly the opposite. But if the venomous bites of the brothers did nothing to this creature, than what can he do?
Gritting his teeth, Snake finally makes a move, diving into the hole in the ship and trying to make a run for it.]
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