Nov 02, 2008 21:52
I am once again starting over, and this tiime, i am determiend to stay on track.
My lack of focus has been directly affected by personal issues and stress that I shouldnt let make me falter, but I do. Food is my stress reliever and this needs to change.
i am falling victim to the same destructive patterns that led me to 244 pounds. Namely, falsely believing that food can destress me--it does, but only while I'm eating. Afterward i feel worse than ever because the stress is still there, plus now I have the guilt and worry of gaining weight. Also i am so hard on myself after a binge. I feel like a failure --a loser--out of controlI need to recognize the binge for what it is--just a binge. It doesnt mean I'm a failure-I'ts just one moment of weakness.
Starting NOW i am going to deal with problems staight on. There is no more stuffing down emotions with food. I am going to "catch myself" when i want to overeat and rationalize with myself no to do it.
I'm also going to track everything i eat once again. its really the only honest way to stay on program. Not writing things leaves toomuch guesswork, and thats definitely NOT what I need.
I am also 100% back on program and committed to getting down to 144.
Todays binge is over. I cannot change it. I will however write everything I ate so i can do some damage control with exercise this week. i estimate I ate about 3600 calories today (november 1st) GRRR