Sep 12, 2004 17:56
Wow, this has been a crazy weekend! Saturday was awesome, except for the final score of the game. :( Jess and I were up at 6:30, and at the fairgrounds by a/b 8:40 or so, where we got in line for parking. ("WHERE'S THE BANK!?" hahaha) We got an awesome spot for all the GameDay festivities, right behind a barrier directly behind the little football field platform they had set up. We were given free t-shirts and I got a HomeDepot hard hat... always useful right? We thought our first national tv close up was gonna happen when Cocky came over and the cameraman filmed us w/him... but they put the other camera guy's shot on instead... ah well. We did get a picture with Cocky though which was uber-exciting! And we did get on tv... when they filmed segments with people on the football field platform thing, we were right behind them, and Jessica's parents definitely saw us. I can't wait to get and watch the tape. The whole show was so much fun... and I got some great pictures. The crowd was awesome and really pumped up. I think probably the best part of the show was when Corso picked us to win, and donned the Cocky head... everyone went NUTS.
After all that fun stuff concluded, we joined Patrick, Bill, Tony, Tice, Nate, etc. all of those guys for some tailgating... more people showed up, and once someone went and got ice (lol) we had a pretty good time despite how freakin hot it was! However, getting stuck with the Ace 6 times when we were playing electricity was NOT FUN! lol
So yeah, we tailgated until around 4 when we started making our way toward the stadium for the game at 5:30. Despite the outcome, I must say it was a great game, and besides a win, all I could've asked for for the first game of the season. I think we've shown that we're better than a lot of people thought we were, although if we were where we really wanted to be, we would've been able to finish out w/a win last night...grr. But anyway, I had no voice last night after the game... well, ok, I could kind of talk, but I sounded like a guy. Diana called me and didn't believe it was me at first. It's a little better today... but still sketchy at times. :P
I was so wiped out last night, I stayed up just long enough to watch Clemson lose to GA Tech, then passed out until almost noon today. And today all I have done is watch some football and spend some quality time with my books out on our porch. It was/is so beautiful outside! I really love the fact I actually have a window (3 in fact) in my room that I can really see out of this year.
Alright well, I'm gonna get some more work done, then take a shower and what not... I want to go to an informational meeting at 7:30 ab a new sorority that's starting up here at Carolina. I don't know if I'll do it or not, but we'll see...