Jan 18, 2008 18:07
I was soooo busy this week OMG @___@ *ded* I swore I woulda shot myself with a non-existent gun in reach @__@ But I'M DONE!!! YES!! I LIIIIIVE!!!!! With quite a bit left to do T.T Oh well! I shall....do my best.
I really ought to figure who I'm cosplaying for Anime North this year.... and a bunch of other fun stuff. And not-so-fun stuff. Life sneaked up and ninja attacked me just when I was fic writing. So I've given up on WN this year (needs to comment and say so on the comm still...) and I'm about 1/2way done the kink meme reply I'm writing. I feel bad........... T.T IT SHALL BE FINISHED SOON. Be prepared flist. There shall be smut. Of the het variety. And I've never posted any of that myself in my knowledge.........
I sent some EXTREMELY late Xmas/New year's cards out to friends last Thursday (the one before yesterday's.....), tell me when you get them? So I know the post service here hasn't failed?
I discovered one of our camera's can record video with sound. Therefore..... my voice may penetrate the web if it is desired. XD Do tell me if you want ^^ Unfortunately, it can sound a bit like I'm on drugs from the video. I assure you I'm not. Unless yaoi, pr0n or caffeine are considered my drugs of choice ^.~
And upon another note, chocolate makes me happy. And I think I recognize when I'm close to snapping/a little out of it...........
I began to sing "Can~dy and Por~n" >.> I was like OH SHIT! WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!??!?!
Also, Inner Universe (OP1 for Ghost in the Shell has made it's way onto my playlist. And singing it makes me happy. Unfortunately, I need to work on Russian pronunciation again 8sighs*
So yes. Beware.
And I love you all.
<3 M-chan