Hetalia Sims 2 Madness Ensues~

Sep 08, 2010 13:53

Well, decided to be less... err inactive and posted my Hetalis Sims 2 here:

Title: You obviously don't want to know but, mehh~
Ratings: T and beyond~ (or lower... BUT I BLAME FRANCE'S NAKEDNESS)
Pairings: From my favorite AMERIPAN to the usual GerIta (Also, RoChu, FrUK and a bit of PruCan [BUT, PRUSSIA'S HAIR WAS A FAIL])
Warnings: Obvious crack and weirdness... also, lame commentary.


Because I'm a biased fangirl like that, let's start off with my favorite family: "The Honda-Jones Family"

I started them off as spouses (because that's how I roll) and gave Kiku at least one skill point of cooking (after going to the cr) because I don't trust Alfred with the cooking.

"I think we should woohoo again, don't you think Kiku?"

Kiku: "I think that's a great Idea Alfred-chan~"
Ren: *obviously has no idea what they are talking about*

Alfred: Wait! Did we make Ren before or AFTER our engagement?
Kiku: *Ohh Alfred... it's obviously BEFORE...*

Blah blah, Got them jobs, small family bonding...

And then they sleep:


Next up is the Hetalia family! (I would have put either my Kirkland-Bonnefoy, Wang-Braginski or Vargas-Beilschmidt first BUT, not enough pics ;A; )

MEET THE HETALIA FAMILY! France's hair is still not the one I used now. SO you may notice changes as we go through.
So we start off without a dinning table (because I was an idiot to actually forget to put one) and I ended up with some FrUK:

England: Do you think I'm a great kisser?
France: Why don't we try to find out then~?

And of course, a miracle happens:

Italy started a fire. How glorious. And Germany is just standing there, looking at Russia. Did I mention that they take turns with starting the fire? Italy-Germany-Russia EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I SWEAR.

So after the fire, England ended up boogie-ing... to the song; "Alice Human Sacrifice"

"The Fourth Alice was a pair of curious twins..."
Yes England, shake your booty 8D Well, it's not like anyone else would do that--

After that, I caught China talking to a volleyball... Must have been the effect of Opium...


Haha, don't worry. he didn't hit his head again... Meanwhile, Italy gets CRAZY!~

Italy: I remember the time Doitsu was in the shower~
Germany: *sneezes*
China: Aiyaa! What are you doing France aru?
France: Looking for Ita-chan~

After that, France went to the living room...

France: What am I more afraid, the fact that there are ghosts in this house or the fact that I'm being controlled by a yaoi fangirl?

Take your pick :D


OHWAIT... and the dancing craze is back. Look on the bright side, this time, he's dancing to Magnet... OHGOD WHY DIDN'T ENGLAND JOIN HIM sjkdfhskjfhdkjgh

Anyway, morning came AND SWEET MOTHER OF FRUK THE GHOSTS ARE SCARY. Also, more of my OTP~

Japan: Did you know you look like Alfred?

America: I think we should buy a new house for ourselves, don't you agree Japan?
Japan: *nods*

And then Italy starts crying:

Japan: *plays games*

Strangely, America and England hates each other. AND I SWEAR I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING (To be honest, I even made Alfred apologize... only for him to shove England AGAIN...)

See what I mean?

Even more strange is the fact that even ALFRED'S ghost (the first ones that I killed intentionally because of a certain accident THAT I DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT) hates him...

The very proof that my game loves me... YOU HEARD NOTHING.


China meet Yao. Yao meet China. Did I mention you two are the same character?

Also, Yao strangely hates Germany.



England: Only real men can resist someone like you.
France: Tell me, what are you then?

England: Duh, I'm gay frog.
France: Fair enough, you get a kiss.

These small moments just make me so happy to be a FrUK fangirl.

Also, a GerIta fangirl :D

America: Dear diary~ Yesterday, I did an amazing WooHoo with Japan... Did you know how hot it was and that I was an awesome seme?

America: Did I also mention how much I hate England?

Japan: Wow America-san, after last night, I didn't realize how LONG and BIG your train is! *winkwinknudgenudge*

OH THE MOMENTS THESE TWO HAVE. ALSO, I was finally less-idiotic enough to actually BUY them a dining table! :D

France: And so, Astronaut started stripping gloriously in front of this guy...
England: *giggles like a school girl*
Russia: *stares at Germany*
Germany: ... errr.. *sleeps in his lobster dish food?*

Finally we have two of the Axis talking (while Germany sleeps in his food)

Italy: *Has a srs face on*
Japan: So, how did you like that miniature boat I built? (in reference to a certain hot springs episode with Japan and Italy)

Well, I decided not to post everything. So to make it up to you; A SMALL PREVIEW OF PRUCAN! (With fail!Prussia hair)


Martin is an awesome son don't you think? GAAIIIIIIZ~ Any suggestion for Austria and Hungary's daughter name? AND FRUK, GET ME AN AWESOME PRUSSIA HAIR WHILE YOU'RE AT IT.


Why yes, that IS a naked France dancing with a topless England in his SEXY BOXERS.

You have no idea how much fun I am having with the Kirkland-Bonnefoy Household. :D Did I mention Ming can play the Moonlight Sonata in the piano?

allied forces, sims2, hetalia, madness, screenshots, axis powers

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