Title: smile again
Fandom: Johnny's Juniors (Johnny's Entertainment)
Characters: Ota Hiroaki, Senzaki Ryota, Satake Koki
je_prompts - Smile
Rating: G
Word Count: 348
A/N: This was going to be epically long, breaking 5000+ words long, maybe having to be split into two parts long with mentions of other kanjuus (like WEST and Little Gangs and Veterans) and Satake actually having a speaking role instead of just mentions. I... ran out of inspiration. I actually have a whole second chunk typed up, but I can't bring myself to continue.
Maybe I will one day, but for now: reeeeeaaaaally short fic.
Satake had always said he wanted to live his life forever smiling.
The day Ota had first met him under a pile of flailing arms and kicking feet (a failed attempt at correctly re-positioning the hyperactive Kansai juniors on the choreographer's part) he had been smiling. The day Senzaki had been placed behind a set of drums, bass thrown at Nagao, and guitars handed to both himself and Satake, he had been smiling. The day Satake left the company, the very same day that news of OSSaN disbanding had reached the ears of every single junior, he had been smiling.
That day, he had been the only one smiling.
There was a time when Kunta's resignition was in question. It was the period right after BOYS were broken apart, and Kunta had ceased to show up to practice. A month later, he had waltzed back in with some lame excuse about the death of his beloved pet goldfish. Ota had hoped that this was another one of those cases, but days turned into weeks.
Satake never showed up again.
Senzaki had already known he wouldn't. He had been Satake's best friend for life since even before primary. It was only logical that he had been informed of the other's plans months in advanced. Ota understood this, but he still wished that Satake would have been comfortable enough to confide in him as well. They were all one group, the three of them, so it had hurt that he was so in the dark. He felt blind, useless. He had spent so much time with Satake, yet he wasn't able to pick up on anything out of place.
Senzaki swung an arm around his shoulders, comfortingly, familiar. "Don't sweat it. He wouldn't even tell me what was up until I threatened to spill his deepest, darkest secrets."
"Why did he leave?" Ota didn't look up.
"That's not my question to answer." Senzaki squeezed his shoulder, then, and smiled. Ota... tried to smile. He was sure that his smile had come off looking a bit awkward. Satake would have done a much better job.