A New LJ

Jul 01, 2007 17:34


Hehe, decided to start out with a new username for a fresh start and all that good stuff. I will TRY to be active, I promise. C:

All righty so I'm going to copy and paste a journal for DA so that this post doesn't look as sad as it really is. -thumbsup-

lol I think I need to learn how to use LJ better, too.


Haha, I'm back! :> I had a fun week. The river trip was pretty awesome. We went to Don Pedro Lake. n-n Funfunufn but jesus it's hot.   And I kept hurting myself. xD And then I'd laugh at myself. Like down by the docks I slipped on a rock and fell and I got this huge scrape on my arm and a smaller scrape on my hand, and I couldn't stop laughing. Aaaaand I cut myself somehow on an inner tube. I have no idea how. I've also got quite a few bruises that are probably from the inner tube, too. xD

Ummm..... the only bad part about the trip was that their (Julia and Brian's)  grandma invited their cousin Jacob. This was after we asked their parents if we could invite Holly, too. (Holly's my other neighbor, Julia and Brian are my neighbors on the other side. We're all friends. (8 ) Their parents said that we couldn't invite Holly because their grandma is heavy, and there isn't much space on the boat. But then their grandma invites Jacob who is bigger and weighs like twice as much as Holly anyway. :/ Then Jacob ends up liking me and he kept trying to touch me and I was kind of disturbed. He kept trying to touch me after I told him I didn't like him, too. Like when I got the big scrape on my arm, I was cracking up and he kept trying to grab my arm and he'd be like, "Oh my gosh, are you okay? Are you okay? Are you okay?" And I'm like "JEEZUS I'M FINE I'M ROFL-ING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD" And he'd have to sit next to me whenever he could and stuff. I'd just met him that day. Jesus Christ I'm not going to go out with him and his hairy buttcrack that we would have the misfortune to see whenever he tried to do a 360 on the kneeboard. And I probably won't even see him again, thank god. So I spent a lot of the time trying to stay away from him.

Well, I pretty much swam, innertubed, and kneeboarded. [For people who don't know what inner tubing is: You're pulled while sitting http://www.kidstoychest.com/images/wet58825.jpg or laying http://www.konakaimotel.com/images/innertube.jpg on an inner tube while being pulled behind a boat, hanging on for dear life http://www.sa-venues.com/activities/images/south-africa-tubing.jpg and usually eventually falling off http://www.math.duke.edu/~blake/troop412/photos/Water_weekend_2003/Tubing%20-%20Wilson%20Falling.jpg I think people do it in snow, too, but I dunno. Kneeboarding: http://www.statdoc.com/Meade/images/Alex%20kneeboarding.jpg] lol I was pretty proud of myself for getting up on the kneeboard, too. After failing miserably at  water skiing last year, I had no self confidence in my water sports ability. xD I did a 360, too, and only on my 2nd time getting up. C: Ohoho and inner tubing is so freaking fun. Cx My friend Brian and I got about 5 feet of air. [Air is how high you get off of the water.] At least that's how high the peeps on tme boat said we went. His dad is awesome at getting us air, and Brian pulls up a bunch so we fly up. x3 Choppy water and against the wind helps a bunch, too. When Brian's sister, Julia, went alone, she got about 4 feet. x3 She's really light so she just flies up.

Oh man, and we made a sailboat out of the innertube, too. After we stopped at this island, we got bored of playing with the clams so we built a mast and sail out of three pieces of wood and a towel. We tied this onto the inner tube and two of us held onto it while the other ruddered with a paddle. We'd switch every once in a while, too. We got to the middle of the lake before the adults came out and got us with the motorboat. 8( We wanted to sail all the way across and take over the houseboat, too. :< We would have gone a lot faster if we'd taken the umbrella/parasol with us, but someone told us not to. I can't remember who. I gotta post up pictures later when I get them.

But all in all I enjoyed myself. C: How have your summers been going?

<3 Aly
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