Jul 04, 2007 23:13
All righty. So we went to go see fireworks today. Because it's 4th of July. That's supposed to be kind of important to Americans, see. lol I'm not very patriotic. I really don't think that America's been doing much lately that we should be proud of anyway. Aaaaand I like Japan better. C:
The fireworks were really nice, though. I really the the gold ones. :> Golden embers momentarily hanging in the sky are a beauty all of their own. <3
I've been like super pirates inspired lately. xD Probably a combination of watching Pirates 3 and making that innertube pirate ship at Don Pedro Lake. Fun times. Boat wakes are scary when you're floating on an inner tube, though. 8( Ok the pirate inspiration is probably the latter. Sailing to the middle of a lake with an inner tube and a towel mast does things to you, yes? xD
OOh, and I saw Ratatouille today! It was as good as I expected it to be. C: Even the credits were fun to watch.
I once killed a man- with this thumb.