Name: Sayo Hironari 「弘成小夜」
Age: 16
Birthday: August 2 (Leo)
Grade Average: C
Sayo was born into an affluent family, an only child. Her father, Satoru, was a banker and her mother, Chieko, was an advertizing executive. The couple hadn't planned on having children, so Sayo's arrival wasn't necessarily a positive thing in their lives. They loved her a lot, but she was a defiant, hyperactive kid and they simply didn't have the time to deal with her. As a result, she grew up often left to her own devices and, as a consequence, has little respect for rules or boundaries, whether she's at home or at school.
Now that she's older, Sayo mostly enjoys having so much time to herself; she has her own routine, her parents have theirs, and the two don't often overlap. She finds it fun to know that she can pretty much do as she pleases and there won't be anyone to stop her.
One of the formative events in Sayo's life was the death of her cousin from leukemia. Throughout his illness, Sayo created a very specific, unhealthy form of denial, believing that if she ignored the problem, the problem would go away. It didn't, and the guilt she felt afterward for ignoring the illness and her cousin in general has sparked some unsettling thoughts for Sayo - "I'm really a bad person." Not that she'd admit this to anybody.
She's 5' and probably weighs 100 pounds soaking wet. She's generally a very small girl, and in an effort to get (and keep) people's attention, she manages to amplify her voice to the point where it sounds like she's yelling a lot of what she says.
Sayo has wide brown eyes and an eager smile. Her hair is quite dark, straight and long, down to the middle of her back. Sayo is vain about her hair and never wears it up or covers it with a hat.
She tends to dress in preppy clothes - expensive shirts and jackets, hoodies with designer brand names emblazoned on the front, a lot of skirts - and she's probably one of the only kids in her class who actually likes wearing a school uniform.
Sayo is confident, friendly, and likes to be liked. She is also ANNOYING AS HALE. It's just a matter of whether or not you can tolerate it for long periods of time.
The girl has the attention span of a goldfish, switches conversational topics at the drop of a hat, and wouldn't know tact if it hit her in the face. Sayo will start a project (be it as important as an essay for school or as simple as peeling an orange), set it down after a matter of minutes, and start doing something else. She'll eventually return to her original task, but this makes tasks that should only take a few minutes drag out for hours.
School administrators have voiced concerns about her behavior (if by "voicing concerns" you mean "sitting her parents down and going, 'take control of your demon child'"), but Sayo's parents come from the "leave the kid alone and she'll work it out eventually" line of thinking, so nothing ever comes of such meetings and Sayo's behavior never changes. As far as her grades are concerned, Sayo scrapes by with Cs, mainly. She finds it less of a letdown if she doesn't bother trying to get better grades.
She loves starting conversations with anyone and everyone, about anything and everything. She is capable of acting less crazy, and can even become moody, brooding and downright nasty if it comes to it, but she tries not to make this obvious to people, lest it ruin her rep as the genki girl.
Sayo isn't really athletic, but she has a lot of excess energy. A lot of this energy comes across as random flailing or hopping around mid-conversation, lolwhat. But if it came down to it, she'd be able to last for a long time if only because she can go for a long time without tiring out. (That wasn't a sex metaphor, I swear. Sayo doesn't know of this "sex.")
Even if you hate Sayo, she doesn't hate you back. Even if she acts like she does... She doesn't. She just thinks it's a game you two play, a game called "let's pretend we hate each other." Sayo also finds it easy to strike up conversations with strangers about whatever random thing. Random teaming up with Masayuki that culminates in a loltastic killing spree? She's down with that. o/
Sayo overestimates her own abilities. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Rather than cower in a corner when something bad happens, she stomps into the fray, sure that she's going to come out on top. And who knows, maybe she will! Or at least come close.
Even if it's important and she knows it needs to be done, she just can't concentrate on anything for very lo
Do you need a favor? Don't ask Sayo for help. She'll either forget all about it a few minutes later, or she'll start doing what you ask, get distracted, and wander off to go do something else.
Program? LOL WHAT PROGRAM? If something serious or upsetting is going on, Sayo will pretend nothing is even wrong for as long as she can get away with it. It's a defense mechanism, but it can cause a lot of harm, especially when it comes to how other people view her.
[Notable Interests]
She rabus them.
[Annoying People]
It is her favorite hobby. And the one she's best at.
[Joining Clubs and Then Quitting Them]
Usually because of some kind of destruction that she herself caused.
[Overnight Bag]
Clothes; toiletries; cell phone; MP3 player; bottle of painkillers; pack of regular flavor bubblegum; a mini flashlight; a green yo-yo; a magazine with Junya on the cover; lip balm; a stuffed lion named Shishi.
[Random Facts]
♣ Sayo thinks Natsuki Nakamura is a dirty slut.
♣ Sayo's favorite Junya song is "Girl, the Ass On You."
♣ Sayo enjoys memorizing and reciting advertisments for various medications. "Could your pain be caused by fibromyalgia? Ask your doctor about..."
[Father] - Satoru Hironari 「弘成悟」, 46. A banker who's rarely home. Satoru is pretty much the exact opposite of Sayo - he's dependable, diligent, and not very affectionate. He's unwilling to deal with any of Sayo's behavioral issues and doesn't have much to do with her other than peering over his newspaper to tell her to act her age. He also thinks the fact that she hangs around so many boys is a sign of what is surely going to be some future whoriness.
[Mother] - Chieko Hironari 「弘成千栄子」, 43. An advertising executive who's damn proud of herself for getting such an important job despite the fact that she's ~*~a woman.~*~ She's fairly harsh with Sayo, punishing her for relatively minor things. She has Sayo's best interests at heart and was probably a lot like her as a teenager, which makes her ashamed, hence the unnecessary bitchiness. Sayo avoids her mother for the most part.
[Extra-Curricular Activities]
Sayo has joined a number of school clubs. The only problem is that she's quit each one within a couple weeks, once she gets bored. Whoops.
School choir: Was "encouraged" to leave after singing so loudly no one else could be heard.
Science club: Quit after ruining a fellow club member's science project.
Art club: Left out of boredom.
Photography club: Left out of boredom.
Cheerleading squad:: Got kicked out after causing an accident.
[Classroom Behavior]
"Sayo is a frustrating student, to say the least. I recommend using tactics such as contests or reverse psychology to get her to try harder. She performs adequately in most classes, but is more interested in having a good time than in retaining information."
[Classroom Clique]
Cs in almost everything.
[Memorable Moments]
There are none. :|
Saburo Sakai: Sayo thinks Saburo is a BAMF. They dated for a brief time when they were in elementary school (and by brief, I mean very brief), and now they're just buddies. Sayo respects Saburo, which is more than she can say for most people. He's hot, too.
Umeka Kaza: Sayo thinks Umeka is cool. She likes to make Umeka laugh. She also likes to copy Umeka's homework.
Toshio Kurosawa: Sayo's buddy. They've known each other since they were kids. Sayo likes that she can act like a goof with him and he won't think less of her for it. Toshio is one of the only people Sayo knows she can have a serious conversation with.
Keizou Tomochika: When Keizou was new in school, Sayo pestered him, thinking she could win him over. It didn't work. Keizou threatened to stab her with a hunting knife, and ever since then, she's been scared shitless of the guy. She hasn't told anyone what he did, but she won't let herself be alone with him again, ever.
Kaori Matano: They're friends. Not BFFs, but they get along. Sayo can get Kaori to goof off, which she likes to do.
Masayuki Fujimura: Sayo likes Masayuki, but Masayuki doesn't like Sayo. She also thinks he's cool and a hottie, but she's worried he might try to have sex with her or something LOL okay sure Sayo and so she doesn't spend as much time bugging him as she does some other people.
Hayato Fushida: Casual friends. They'd be closer, but they run in different social circles. Still, they hang out sometimes.
Daichi Sato: Sayo thinks he's weird because he never talks.
SAI: Sayo thinks she's weird, but tolerates her, even though SAI gets her name wrong on a regular basis. Sayo can be really tactless around SAI, but SAI is kind of retarded so she never acts offended, and Sayo's like, "thass coo."
Yuichi Kikumaru: Sayo likes Yuichi. She views him as a challenge and tries to get him out of his shell. They've become kind of close, and Sayo has helped integrate Yuichi into her group of friends.
Midori Sato: Sayo basically knows Midori is a liar and a gossip, but hangs out with her anyway. She also knows Midori talks about her behind her back. But it's all good, because Sayo talks about Midori just as much. They're pretty serious frenemies.