Feb 29, 2008 10:37
Ganked from a friend.
These might be ten of them:
No Chronic for Old Men
How Green Was My $$$
Beeyotch on the River Kwai
My Fair Hammer
The Greatest Ho on Earth
West Si-i-i-i-i-ide Story
The Bling
Drive-By Missed Jay-Z
...and, of course, The Doggfather
added by me:
All Quiet on the Western Frontin'
Gone with the Wizzy
Lawrence of Compton
One Drove-by the Cuckoo's Nest
Ordinary Peeps
Out of Africa (okay, it's the same, but hey)
The Last Pimp
Crackas on a Boat (Titanic)
American Booty
Million Dollar Boo
Enjoy. :D