.: 025 | I win, you lose, we're done.

May 06, 2007 22:43

Apparently our new roommate is a girl. Which means I have to sleep in the same room as ... him. ... not so thrilled about that. And, really, it'd probably have been, er, safest if I was rooming with a girl. At least no one would get ... you know ... ah, whatever.

On the other hand, things are ... really nice with Zelos. I don't think I've ever been this happy.

I'm going with him when this is all over; I ... we pomised that we'd stay together. That's probably the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Um ... I'm really sorry for worrying everyone the other day. I'm over that now, I promise.

[screened to Mint]
What the hell do you see in him?
[/screened to Mint]

au: zelos, ou: mello, ou: mint, screened to, ou: lucy/nyu, entry

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