[Luke fon Fabre; Alternate Universe]

Mar 27, 2007 18:38

Player's Name: Josie
AIM/email: ArtistJosie/Josie@gio-tech.com
Player LJ: artistjosie
Timezone: Eastern Time (US/Canada); GMT -5:00

Character: Luke fon Fabre; known as Foolish Replica Luke, and simply called "Luke" (or "that damned idiot cat," but he doesn't really like that one)
Series/Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Original/Alternate: Alternate

Age: Seventeen, but technically seven, as he was created at the tender age of ten.
Gender: Male
Species: Catboy (much to his dismay)
Sexuality: Gay. But with a full and healthy appreciation of women.
Appearance: Luke stands at five feet and seven inches, and weighs roughly one hundred fifty pounds; as such, he's perhaps a bit smaller than most males around his age, but has a pretty well-defined muscle structure. With red hair cut to roughly shoulder-length and green eyes, Luke is the spitting image of royal blood in the kingdom that he should hail from, if only he weren't a fake at best. Carrying royal blood simply because he is a clone of the lead heir to the throne, he also has to contend with having the ears and tail of a black cat - remnants of a creation gone wrong.
Personality: Annoying to a fault, due to his naiveté about the world and his penchant for asking questions about what seems like the most inane things possible to any other person. Luke also happens to be easily distracted, much in the way of a curious kitten, and is also inclined to sleep in and take naps at the most random intervals. With a will to live that borders on fanatical, he also houses a queer blend of both haughtiness and insecurity; he feels that he has the right to exist, even if he is simply someone's science project at best - something that nature never intended - but knows that he is neither the original Luke, nor will he ever be. He's quick to anger, understands that he's considered a simple failure, and does not hesitate to call people on the fact that they're being jerks.
Abilities/Weaponry: Luke is decently skilled with a sword, having trained under the Order of Lorelei's Commandant Van Grants, a master swordsman in his own right. He's learned a handful of sword artes, but is still trying to get his skill down enough to be able to use anything more advanced than what he currently knows; his spell-casting ability, on the other hand, is non-existent (in an ironic twist, as his original does - from what he has heard - have at least some affinity with spells), although he does have the innate abilities of his world's Seventh Fonon, called hyperresonance. He - or, rather, his original, with Luke gaining the ability due to his being a perfect isofon copy (in spite of not being a perfect physical copy) - is a special case; while hyperresonance normally requires two people with the ability to use the Seventh Fonon, Luke (and his original) is able to cause one on his own.
Weaknesses: His curiosity tends to get him into a lot more trouble than is healthy; he will often just run off after the first thing that catches his fancy, and his sometimes incessant questions about things he doesn't know or understand (regardless of how obvious they might be to anyone else) have the uncanny ability of irritating most people who end up having to deal with him. His sometimes headstrong nature can also get him into an equal amount of trouble; he doesn't know when to quit while he's ahead and instead presses issues that should otherwise have been let be, not to mention that it causes him to run headlong into some more dangerous situations. The fact that he's so quick to anger at times doesn't help the situation any. Nor does the fact that he'll often just settle down for a nap on whim, and is usually dead to the world for its duration.

History: A replica gone wrong, it became immediately apparent that it would be impossible for Luke to be put in his original's place due to some rather obvious physical differences: Duke and Lady Fabre would have immediately noticed that their only son had managed to somehow grow the ears and tail of a cat while kidnapped, after all. Because of this, Commandant Van Grants took Luke with him and has raised him, although not once could this have ever been described as any particular display of kindness on his part. Known for the entire seven years of his existence as a failure, members of the Order of Lorelei that have actually seen him don't bother with any amount of compassion towards him. In fact, he's rather used to being teased, picked on, blamed for things he had absolutely nothing to do with, pushed, poked, prodded, and having his tail pulled. And that says nothing about the sort of abuse that he has suffered at the hands of the Order's God-Generals, although Van has, in an odd twist (according to Luke, at least), stepped in on his behalf to stop them when they have gotten particularly rough.

That said, Luke has come to the sad realization that his particular brand of misery could very well have been all due to a very ill-timed practical joke; he certainly wouldn't have put it past Dist to have purposely created him as part cat, anyway the sick freak. Still, he's also found that, as long as he stays mostly silent and out of sight, people tend to forget that he's there and usually leave him be, which gives him the free-time to do whatever he pleases, instead of being forced to listen to someone else's ranting and raving about just how great of a moron he is (though he tends to point out that any idiocy on his part due, in large part, to everyone's vehement refusal to teach him a damned thing, as well as the fact that the only times he's able to read up on anything he might not know is when he's snuck into the library, as he does not have a ranking within the Order to be allowed within the room's walls).

The one thing he has managed to become fairly proficient in, however, is his swordsmanship. It's not to say that he's a master in any sense of the word, but he knows enough to fend for himself, even if he does still have a problem with the idea of fighting against 'another' human being. The sentiment has caused him to be scolded many times in the past by Van, of course, not to mention that it has been the source of a fair amount of mocking from the God-Generals. That a 'thing' like him might consider itself human, after all ...

In between his practice and secret readings, he tends to wander the labyrinth of hallways within the cathedral at Daath, or simply curl up for a nap.

Sample Journal Entry: I hate this.

Legretta caught me sneaking into the library earlier; of everyone who it had to be, why did it have to be her? She always punishes me and then tells Van-sensei, and then he always punishes me for my 'insolence,' as well. I mean, honestly ... what the hell is so wrong with me getting a book, anyway? You'd think they'd encourage the behavior, with how they're always yelling at me for being such an idiot. And who the hell's fault is that, anyway?! Jeez ...

I swear, if she hadn't laid me up so damn bad, I'd ... I'd ...

Oh, who the heck am I kidding? What would I do? Fight back? Like I could take her down or something ... and that says nothing for how helpless I'd be in a fight against Van-sensei; I can't even get in one damn hit against him, and that's him going easy. If I were to fight back against their punishment? Hell, they'd kill me. Maybe I really am the worthless trash they say I am.

But that's fine. I don't care. The less they think of me, the less I can disappoint them, right? ... right? I ...

I don't ...

... care ...

Bah. This place sucks something fierce, anyway. I mean, honestly ... stuck in this damned cathedral all day, every day? I'm not even allowed into most areas. Of course, when has that ever stopped me, but still.

Well, that's not true. There's one place I don't go into. Not anymore, anyway. Not since he caught me; oh god, he's the worst of them all. The yelling, always yelling. It's like it's all he knows how to do; I've never heard him speak normally. And then he says I'm the failure. Bah! He yells, and he throws me against the wall, and ...

... and they all say he has the right to. And maybe he does, but I've got rights, too, damnit! Just because ... just because they made me doesn't change the fact that I have rights, too ... I'm here, too. I'm a person here, too. Just because I'm not him, just because I'm not normal, that doesn't mean that I ...

Damnit ...!

Sample Roleplay: Luke didn't understand a lot of things; he wanted to understand them, he just ... didn't. It wasn't through any fault of his own, of course; he'd just never had any formal education. Well, really, he'd had no real form of education at all. So he didn't understand what would seem perfectly natural to most anyone else.

This led to questions. Lots of questions, always questions. Sometimes they would get answered, usually the answer would be someone yelling at him to shut up and then kicking him away. He had found out a few years earlier, much to his dismay at the time, that the one most likely to react that badly was his original. He'd since learned to keep his mouth clamped tightly when he was in the room.

Sometimes, he was lucky; he would catch someone in a decent enough mood - oh, he knew they were just humoring him - who would honestly answer his question. Usually Largo, he noted, but also Van-sensei a lot of times. And sometimes even Dist, if he was relatively sane that day - as Luke saw it, anyway - or Legretta if he hadn't done anything to warrant her wrath. In spite of that, they did seem content to leave him in the dark. About almost everything.

It was always a pleasant surprise when he could catch someone who was willing to explain things, though; Arietta had found it amusing, once, when a butterfly had 'somehow' managed to get into the hallway - Luke claimed innocence, and the girl had never told another soul about it, except for her monsters - and he had chased after it idly, trying to catch it as it fluttered along. It was only when it flew just slightly too high for his reach that it had struck him that he had no idea what it was that he had been chasing in the first place; the brightly-colored wings had struck his fancy and he'd been off without a second thought, but he had never seen one before. "What are you ...?" he'd asked quizzically.

"It's a butterfly."

He jumped then, whirling around, eyes wide as his spine stiffened; he could even feel the hairs on his tail sticking out straight. But the pink-haired girl made no move to harm or reprimand him for being out in the halls, even though he was supposed to be confined to his 'chamber' - It's a prison cell, Luke thought. Smaller, even - that day. He watched as she took a step closer, eyes raising to watch the small creature before she returned her gaze to him.

"It starts as a caterpillar," she explained, without Luke ever even asking for it. "It's a bug; it scrunches and writhes to move. And, when it grows up, it weaves a cocoon around itself to sleep until it changes into this: a butterfly." It was the most he'd ever heard the girl speak. The first few times he'd spied her, Luke had almost been convinced that she was mute, but he'd then found out that she simply spoke softly and usually only with the barest minimum requirement of words to get her point across. Arietta was one of those people who he had never bothered asking his questions to. He never considered that he'd get an answer he could understand properly.

"I ... I see," he responded quietly, green eyes transfixed on the tiny creature again as it fluttered above him. His left hand reached up, fingers outstretched as he jumped ever-so-slightly in a renewed attempt to catch it.

This time, Arietta struck out against him, hitting him squarely between the shoulders. "And I will not hesitate to kill you if you ever try to capture one, idiot cat," she hissed vehemently before she turned on her heel and stalked off as the butterfly flew off towards an open window nearby.

Luke stared after the girl, dumbstruck. "That's ..." A shiver ran down his spine as her words rang through his head; never had he been so utterly frightened of a person in his life, however short that may have been. Although, he supposed, he should have expected it. In fact, doing such a thing in front of her, he probably deserved it, he knew.

But he couldn't help it; he very rarely could.

And then something caught at the corner of his eye: a soft sparkle around the corner. And he was off again.

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