.:021 | Fangs of hell, rise!

May 02, 2007 10:13

Is it just me or did they pull in a shitload of prissy rich bitches are a lot of people just ... needlessly complaining about the food here? I mean, it's not that terrible. In fact, it's worlds better than what some of us are used to. Try to keep that in mind.

Oh well. Either way, my letter of request was sent already, so I can't exactly take that back. Though, I'm not really sure if they'll even bother taking a look at it in the first place. It's such a childish request ...

Maybe I'll try to meet with the Warden when he comes to 'visit' in a couple of days to ask about it. I'm ... not really sure yet.

Anyway, I'm kind of exhausted today. So ... I think I'm bailing on my practice, just for today. I mean, Jade 'yelled' at me (... okay, so it wasn't really yelling, since he doesn't exactly raise his voice or even change his tone ever, but still) when I tried to train the other day when I was too tired to do much of anything. Something about me just begging to die, or whatever.

Plus ... too much on my mind to really be useful today.

... damnit.

private, warden, entry

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