.:008 | I just keep getting better!

Apr 18, 2007 15:05

What the heck?! I miss two days and suddenly this place explodes with hotties more kidnapees. I feel so behind now ... so many people to hunt out have my way with meet ...

I hope they'll be nicer than some of the others we got here. I talked to one of them last night, Roxas. He sounded really cute nice, at least. U-uhm ... and there was Zelos, too ( Read more... )

au: zelos, ou: roxas, entry

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fading_raito April 18 2007, 19:30:52 UTC
I've missed seeing you around. Are you feeling better, Luke? ...Ryuuzaki's here now, but he's not my Ryuuzaki. That hurts.


saynotobadtouch April 18 2007, 19:34:55 UTC
Huh? Oh ... yeah, I am. *slightly forced smile* Not ... your Ryuuzaki? :( I'm sorry ...


fading_raito April 19 2007, 00:34:54 UTC
I'm glad. If you need to talk or just want to visit...? I'm here. *hugs* No. He's a different one. He's... nice, but not mine. Although "my" Ryuuzaki isn't really mine but a boy can wish.


saynotobadtouch April 19 2007, 14:04:51 UTC
I ... thanks. But, I-I think I'll be alright you want to see me? *blushes, but hugs back* Light ... I ... I'm sorry.


fading_raito April 19 2007, 14:46:36 UTC
That's good. Of course I do. You're my friend; I don't have very many of those. It's okay. Just... I don't know. It's not the same but...


saynotobadtouch April 19 2007, 14:56:34 UTC
Mmmhmmm. Then ... I'm glad we're friends. *smiles* It's not o- .......... Light, I ... I ... I know it's not the same as what happened with me, but ... but ...


[Filtered to Luke] fading_raito April 19 2007, 16:02:46 UTC
I know. It's just... strange to see a familiar face only to find that he's not who you hoped thought he was....

We should start a club. Exclusive membership, only people who've met counterparts of people they know.


[Filtered to Light] saynotobadtouch April 20 2007, 03:41:59 UTC
Like it's comforting, but devastating at the same time ...

Honestly, I don't want this to happen to anyone else ... I'd rather it keeps happening to me ... at leat, then, it's happening to someone who ... doesn't really matter.

[OOC: Strikeout is illegible/whatnot.]


[Filtered to Luke] fading_raito April 20 2007, 12:31:55 UTC
Yeah, exactly. And you want to say no when they ask to see you but you can't because you miss home so much....

I know. But I have the horrible feeling it's going to keep happening. One of these days I almost expect to see myself, but it won't really be myself....


[Filtered to Light] saynotobadtouch April 20 2007, 12:52:51 UTC
Homesick, huh ...? I ... don't really have that problem ... can't really say I know how that feels, at least not completely ...


... see yourself, but it's not really you, huh? Heh ... try living with that your whole life.

[OOC: This time~ he didn't strike them completely. Luke's confusing this morning. hehe]


[Filtered to Luke] fading_raito April 20 2007, 14:53:17 UTC
Still, you miss someone. Even missing just one person can make it feel that much worse.

...what do you mean? You don't have to tell me, but...


[Filtered to Light] saynotobadtouch April 20 2007, 15:12:04 UTC
Miss someone ...? I ... I don't, really. Maybe everyone else does, but I didn't really ... have anyone there.

Just ... you know ... it's part of the whole song and dance for me. Join the club, I've dealt with seeing myself but not having it be me my whole life. Well, maybe it's the other way around. That kind of thing.


[Filtered to Luke] fading_raito April 20 2007, 20:06:02 UTC
Oh, Luke. I'm so sorry. *hugs*

It's still unnerving to think of it. Probably because I haven't had that experience so to speak....


[Filtered to Light] saynotobadtouch April 20 2007, 20:27:04 UTC
Don't be; it's fine.

I guess you just get used to it.Sure, it sucks at first, but ... eventually, what else can you do? Kill the other guy just because he has your face? All you do is get blood on your hands if you do something like that. Even ... even Asch knew that. It's probably the only reason why I'm still around.


[Filtered to Luke] fading_raito April 20 2007, 20:44:42 UTC
If you're sure....

I suppose one would. Not quite like having a twin, ne? And you're right about it being wasteful to kill someone with your face, although if another version of me shows up here that might be the very first thing he'd try to do to me because I'm a poor copy since I can't bear to even think of taking a life again.

...Asch? You've mentioned him before. Is he the person you don't-really-miss?


[Filtered to Light] saynotobadtouch April 20 2007, 20:52:19 UTC
I'm sure.

It's not like having a twin at all. I mean, maybe it'd be a little different in this case, for everyone else, but ... but, for me, if there was another 'me' around ... I don't see how it'd be much of a change. I've been a copy my whole life.

Asch ... Asch is ... *looks away* Asch is the person who has every reason to want me dead.


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