.: 084 | We're not doing too well.

Jul 18, 2007 22:00

... this shit needs to hurry up and end.

[private ► Hackable]
Is even this my fault? Roxas ... I'm sorry.

This is ... if I wasn't here, if no one had gotten close to me, if Yuuko hadn't looked into my fortune ...

This is my responsibility. And, somehow, I will make it alright again, no matter what I have to do.

I'm sorry ... I don't deserve to ask forgiveness for the things that I might have to do. I don't want to ... I don't want to have to fight them, I don't want to have to hurt the first people who ever took me in and befriended me. Jing, Mint ...


I have to do this. I can't keep letting people get hurt by something that I was ultimately the cause of. I'll set this right. I won't let anyone else be harmed.

Yuuko ... Roxas ... Zelos, Schuldig, Sora, Atem, Riku, Gaz, Pram, Saioh, Syaoran, Daemon, Li, Axel ... Cassis, Kir ...everyone ... forgive me. If I was stronger, none of this would have happened. If I hadn't been so stupid and managed to block what was happening from everyone else's eyes a little better, there wouldn't have been a problem like this. Lorelei was my problem to deal with; I shouldn't have gotten anyone else involved or concerned with it.

And even still ...

... even still, I can't do anything. Lorelei ... you gave me this power ... you've allowed me to control it now. Why can't I save her without anyone else having to get hurt anymore? I'd give up anything for that, to save everyone here from this ...

... even if ... even if something were to happen. Even if I disappear ...
[/private ► Hackable]

ou: schuldig, ou: kir, au: riku, ou: yuuko, private, au: axel, ou: mint, ou: saioh, ou: jing, lorelei, au: li, ou: cassis, au: daemon, ou: gaz, entry, au: zelos, ou: sora, ou: roxas, ou: pram

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