.: 080 | You looked pretty tough, but, uh, you're already dead.

Jul 11, 2007 11:29

[filtered from Jing and Mint ... and Kadaj ► Unhackable]
I noticed it yesterday ... something in me, singing. Hymns? These can't be ...!

Lorelei, are these part of Auldrant's memory? This voice ... this voice would have to be Yulia! Then, these hymns are ...

This is why I could use that arte, isn't it? I've ... I've known the incantations, but I couldn't ever use them before. Are you trying to help me? So that I can protect them, so that I can help fix this?

Thank you. I'll use this power to protect everyone.


Jade, Dist ... do you think you can make a fonic seal for me? Something that will keep up a decent enough barrier in case I can't be here? It'd need glyphs, right? Maybe something like Guardian Fi- ... wait, no, there's too much Rem in that, it would be dangerous to some of the people in here. Something like the seal for that, though, protective to everyone inside of it, without using the Sixth Fonon. I know neither of you can use the Seventh, so maybe Fourth? Water is supposed to be able to form a good barrier, too ...

I get the warnings. Listen, I really do; but, at the moment, it's safer keeping this group in here, with my barrier, than moving them out. If I can get things settled enough, and if I can get the barrier wide enough that we can move a good enough distance at a time without worries, then I will consider getting them to another building. But as long as I'm here, I'm keeping the threats out of this room. If something happens to me ...

... well, if something happens to me, I know I can trust Jade to take care of getting everyone out safely. Not to mention ...

Not to mention, yesterday proved that the Sacred Flame isn't going to let any threats to me or the other Luke go unnoticed. If something were to happen to me, Lorelei will probably wake up again ... please, promise me you won't give him reason to see you as a threat to my wellbeing. Please ... I ... as long as you're not a threat to me or the other Luke, as long as he can see you as someone that I want protected, you'll be safe, and he'll guard you, I'm sure of it. That ... yesterday, I felt that.

And if anyone goes after someone that I want protected ... Lorelei will probably ...
[/filtered from Jing and Mint ... and Kadaj ► Unhackable]

Anise! I know I probably don't need to say it if it's you, but stay safe, wherever you are. Jade went to check on you yesterday, but he didn't tell me if he found you ...

lorelei, ou: jing, ou: kadaj, yulia, fonic seal, artes, ou: jade, auldrant, ou: dist, entry, hymns, screened from, ou: luke, ou: mint

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