.:003 | Watch yourself!

Apr 10, 2007 11:22

Glad to know everyone's so ... friendly.

Well, alright, I haven't had problems with most of the people here; sure, Mint and I didn't get off to the most fabulous start or anything, but that's all the past now. She reminds me a bit of a much friendlier Arietta. Hmm. Interesting. And I certainly got off on the right foot with Light mmm, Light ...

On the other hand, there's buttercup this ... Bakura. Who clearly has about the same amount of charm as Asch. Which, you know, sucks; I was hoping to not have to deal with people like ... like him ever again. I mean, it was the one good thing about being dragged into this whole mess, and now even that's ruined.

... I wonder if they miss me. Everyone in Daath ...

I ... I'm sure Ion might; he's always so nice about everything, and he would always come talk with me whenever he could get a chance. I think he just felt bad for me, but it was still really nice to have him around ... to have someone there. And maybe ... maybe even Arietta does; she was usually alright with me, too, after all. As long as I didn't trip over her liger or something like that. Van-sensei's probably pissed, though. I don't know if that really bothers me or not. It's not like he ever actually accepted me or anything, so whatever.

... but, what about ...

Meeting Atem, and ... well, and what I did to her I'm sorry ... I was only playing around also made me think of, um ... other things. Like, how I always acted around him.

... Asch ...

I don't know why I keep thinking about it, though. I mean ... it's not like it ever meant anything, the way that I'd ... I'd ...

He always tried to kill me for anything I'd do! Why would I have ever wanted anything like that out of someone like him?! But ... but, still, he ... I ... now I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, there was a reason behind my always going to him, behind the way that it was always his lap that I ended up on, and that it was always him that I would press up again. Oh ... oh god ... that's just ...

It can't be, right? I don't like him ... I hate him ... I know I do. So ... why? Why do I keep thinking like this now?

And why do I miss him Daath so much? This place is just like it, mostly, and it's not like there's anything to miss. I hated him that place ...

And now I just want to go home.

What the hell is wrong with me?

au: light, au: bakura, daath, entry, private, au: atem, ou: mint, asch

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