.: 040 | Follow me!

May 19, 2007 20:37

Huh? Since when am I going to Anise's dinner? Anise! I thought I told you I wasn't entering. Why, exactly, are you planning things out for me now?

... wait, don't answer that. I'm not sure if I really want to know.

[screened from Zelos and Yuuko]
... worse before it gets better? But, then that ...

Zelos is ... I ... I trust Zelos. I trust him. I won't doubt him, no matter what she says!
[/screened from Zelos and Yuuko]

... Guy's disappeared. That's ... I'm not really sure what to think of it. He said we could be friends ... and then he just ... hm.

I don't know if I should be suprised about it or not. I just know it sucks. He's ... the kind of friend I would have killed to have. But, I guess this means that the other me has him back, and that's how it should be, right? Yeah. I'd feel bad, taking his best friend from him ...

Edit: Zelos, why do you need new headbands, exactly?

au: zelos, screened from, ou: yuuko, ou: anise, ou: guy, entry

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