Hi everyone! This is my newest blog which will focus on knitting, crochet, amigurumi, and related projects.
Just a fair warning - this blog will likely be image heavy, but if a post has an excessive number of images I will put them behind a cut.
Some of the things I'm going to talk about on this blog are:
-Say Llama Friends amigurumi. Amigurumi is a Japanese word for cute little stuffed dolls that are usually crocheted. I'm currently working on some original amigurumi designs to fill Say Llama Land, a fictional amigurmi world! ^_^ A separate website will be up eventually at
sayllamafriends.com Below is a pic of one of my designs: Gwen the cat!
-My attempts to learn to knit more than just a scarf Crocheting is fun, but I wanted to learn to knit as well. It's been a good challenge with many disasters along the way. ^_^
-My knitting manga, Knit-Wits! I've been working on this personal project, a doujinshi with a knitting theme. (For those who don't know, doujinshi is just my fancy way of saying comic book). I'm not sure how many pages it will wind up being, but it's going to be zany and ridiculous - just the way I like it! Here's a pic of the main character, Bernadette - a.k.a. the Chosen One! I'm aiming to have this available for the MoCCA Art Fest in June
Lastly, a quick explanation on the name Say Llama. It's sort of a pun. In spanish, se llama (pronounced "Say Yama") means basically his/her/your name. And since my amigurumi will each have their own names and personalities, I thought this was fitting. The other part of the pun is the fact that alpacas, my favorite animal, belong to the llama family of camelids and their wool is often used to create soft yarn for knitting and crochet! As a result, the title is both a hint at the amigurumis' names, yarn fiber, and a silly exclamation.