On Scarlett Johansson's "Falling Down"

Aug 01, 2008 15:36

I was watching the new Jabbawockeez video on Yahoo! Pepsi Smash yesterday, and i happened to stumble on the Scarlett Johansson Pepsi Smash video of "Falling Down". I've never heard of her song before, and I never really bothered to check, but yesterday I was feeling a little curious.

I watched maybe 5 seconds of the video;

Dear Scarlett,

I'm sorry, but who told you that you could sing? You should sue your voice coach, the producer, and whomever else encouraged this career change, because they failed you. Honestly, I don't know the first thing about a good voice, but i KNOW that what ever "falling down" is, is not a good voice. You might have sounded good on the album, but sound effects can make anyone sound good (eg. Lindsay Lohan). Don't be a young 23yr old actor trying to make it in music like all those other people. Stick to acting, you're better at that.

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