Time for me to spill the beans!!! lol

Feb 02, 2004 10:06

I was gonna post this yesterday........but there was this thing called the Super Bowl on TV that I kinda HAD to watch.....had to root for the home team (New England Patriots) WE won....we rule the world, now time to move on!!! ;)~

It is time to reveal who the 20 lj friends are that were in my post from last week........out of the 20.......seven that were on there actually made comments.....and two were right girlaaaaaaaa #12 and three_ #9 KUDOS TO YOU!!!! So, without further delay........

1.You have been my friend since the beginning of my lj journey and I have enjoyed every second of the trip with you.

2. I was lucky enough to come across your journal during this last summer and you were kind enough to add me....even though I had to make a deal to do it!! lol

3. We have had quite a few good times with our mini marathon comment sessions!! I love your sense of humor and we seem to get along really well.

4. first I disappeared for awhile....then you disappeared for a while....and then, by some stroke of luck.....we hooked up again.....I guess that what we could call 'going full circle' huh? lol

5. We started chatting a few months ago........actually, I did most of the chatting to begin with and you were kind enough to put up with my rants......now, you are a great friend of mine....even though you were shy to begin with!!

6. Our friendship is prolly best described as 'fast and furious'!! lol In a couple of months, we've gone from casual comments.....to very good friends!!

7. Sometimes you kinda rub me the wrong way, and I know why that is.......it's because our personalities are so much alike. Nonetheless, I am a better person for knowing you!!

8. I am not totally sure that you understand my sense of humor yet, we've only been lj friends for about a month now....but hopefully you will get used to me and our friendship will develop!!

9. You have really started to open up a little more lately, maybe it is because of your new journal? Either way, I love reading your entries!! Your new digicam is awesome!!!

10. I know I don't comment as much as I should in your journal.....I do read your entries though!! I love your sarcasm and sense of humor!!

11. HAHA....all I have to say here is HUMPITY HUMP!!! You know who you are!!! ;P

12. You always are so kind with your comments....I am glad we are friends!!

13. I love your artistic creativity, you have a real talent with the camera, and you are an awesome member of my community!!!

14. Your journal is like a major headrush.....that is a good thing though....I am glad that you allow me to be part of your lj world!!!

15. Everytime we chat....we always seem to find more and more that we have in common....we have both grown up in the same types of families!!!

16. You are one of the reasons I am making this a public post.......I was lucky enough to come across your journal way back when it was named after your email.....I have always admired your creativity....and we always have had great comment sessions....but it is hard for me to figure out how to get you to make me a friend of your journal.....one of the great mysteries I have not figured out yet!!!! lol

17. You are a friend of number 16....and the same applies to you as her!!! Maybe someday, huh? lol

18. We just became lj friends a couple of days ago....I look forward to getting to know you better!! :)

19. Your lj username matches you to a tee!! You have proved that many times over!!! ;)

20. Your wacky sense of humor....and the fact that you are so happy-go-lucky all the time makes you one of my favorites!!!
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