CURSE: Your Laptops Shall Break

Aug 20, 2010 14:00

I do not recall getting this card while playing munchkin.

Before we left for the UK, one of my two work laptops acted up. After being on for 5 mins, it froze. I thought it was a software issue, I tried to install linux, but 5 mins into the install, it froze. Hardware issue, then, the laptop was given to the "fix-it" guy.

After being in the UK for a bit, I was no longe able to type on some of the keys on the EEE's keyboard. Seems the connectors for some of the keys are broken, or whatever, but like 1/3 of the keyboard is useless. This renders the computer quite useless when your out traveling without an external keyboard.

I got home, plugged my second work PC in, used it and let it stay plugged in for a while. Took it to work, and battery was dead. Turns out, my second work PC has a battery that refuses to charge now. Rather frustrating...

So I set up my MacBook when I got home from work, and noticed it did not "sit" properly on the desk. Turned it around and saw that the battery had bulged out. I have not been able to remove the battery, and I dare not turn the computer on.

Oh, yah, the first computer that broke, the "5 mins and die" laptop was fixed when I came home, so it works now. I wonder how long. I have a curse...
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