The US versus The Others, again?

Jun 03, 2010 10:28

I am sad to see that even under Obama, the US seem to want to take it's "own lane" in international politics. How powerful is the Jewish groups in the US?

The story is that Israel boarded an aid ship in international waters, claiming they smuggled weapons to the Gaza strip. Israel has taken full media control, so knowing exactly what happened is extremely difficult, no independent news is given at all. But one thing is clear.


Even if the ship had been packed with weapons, Israel would still have NO RIGHT to board the ship in international waters.

To prove the ship contained weapons, photos of "weapons" found on board was published. It was really pitiful, knives, that could very well be kitchen cooking knives, were most of the weapons.

Israel has full control over media coverage in Gaza strip too. Nothing is going in there. They claim it is to make sure no weapons is getting to Hamas, but they block even medical supplies.

After the ship was boarded by Israeli forces, and 9 activists (NOT terrorist! these were people wanting to make sure medical aid got to Gaza!) where shot dead, the international community reacted with stunned surprise. Every country has stated the same; International Law states that NOONE can board a ship in international waters. ALL the UN countries... Except... Well Israel.. And... The USA...

It is sad. I would think respect for international law was something that would improve drastically with Obama. But when it includes Jews, I guess now.
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