its REALLY time for me to update

Jul 28, 2006 17:27

So much has been going on both good and bad. but such is life. I also can say i have never been happier than this point and time in my life. Lonny and i are still going strong. He for the 3rd of july took me up to springville and we went biking in provo canyon for hours. i got to see bridal falls one of my very first waterfalls i have ever seen. i was speechless. we rode for about 10+ miles and ended up at winterlife and werehampsters abode where we stayed till it was too dark to ride the rest of the way home so lonny's mom came and got us. next day for the 4th we went to his familys bbq in the park and WAS going to all go swimming but due to the storm had to give that up. We went biking the next week in jordan river parkway but due to the heat i couldnt ride that long. we both had really bad luck lol. i had laid down in duck shit almost immediatly on one of our smoke breaks. luckily i was wearing shorts so it was only on my hand and leg and right next to the restrooms so i cleaned up. then lonny popped his bike tire and so i made him take my bike to ride back to the car then come pick me up. he imminatly popped my tire hee hee.
Lonny took my to my first ever concert a couple of weeks ago. social distortion. however by the time we picked up his friend, found a parking spot, walked halfway to the club they were playing at, realized we had left tickets in the car walked back then walked back to the club we got there 3 songs before it was over. so we ended up going to a scottish and irish pub called piper down. not too shabby alittle crowdedand drinks really small but fun. sad thing was is someone kept putting lauryn hill in the jukebox over and over and over again. grrr. lonny and his friend said that that wont count as my first concert because i didnt really get to see it. my god it was a sweatpool though. they said it was better than most concerts in that area though. im just glad i wore sleeveless
Work has been shit. a couple of weeks ago they announced since it was so damn slow they were offering us all to transfer projects due to them not being able to offer 40 hours a week anymore cause they have to keep sending us home for the day. 2 days later they said that the whole project in that call center is going away in 90 days so we HAVE to wont affect me that much because im moving in 2 months so im getting a new job anyways. but my checks keep getting smaller and smaller.
roomate situation here is not going good. she keeps stealing packs of smokes and cds and clothes grr. it could be worse though. but definatly am not renewing my lease with her. i think she is going to move back in with mommy and daddy since she dug herself into such a big financial hole. im moving to the provo springville orem area. dont know where yet because no one will talk to me about places since its not till the end of september. its definatly cheaper. and most of the places i saw were utilities all paid. a coworker is moving in with me who im really close to. there are lots of jobs to choose from. wanting kinda to work for novell. depressing thing is she is SEVERLY allergic to cats so i would have to give up my baby. he is so insane but i love my kitty. i dont know how im going to part with him. he has helped me with my anxiety so much. so if anyone wants a black furball cat named pantera at the end of september let me know please. i would rather he go to someone i know than to some stranger where i dont think he will be taken care of. he does NOT get along with other animals esp other cats and is somewhat afraid of children. i kinda went into a panic attack late last night because of all the changes coming up for me but lonny talked me through it. but ill be ok. just a little overwhelmed. he said his mom has some sort of natural anti anxiety pills for me that are non addicting so hopefully that will help some.
Lonny gave me the car on wednesday so now im mobile again and have more independance again. im still alittle rusty on the driving though. but getting it quick. its been fun fighting with the roomate over our one parking spot. (she refuses to share) but i get off before her so i get to it before she does.muwahahahahaha i will hopefully be able to come visit some of you sometimes soon.
oh i also switched to tmobile. so i now have a camera phone. i have been loving it. well the camera anyways been having problems with them somewhat for the service. we will see how it works though.
well that is a long enough post for now. sorry it has been so long but im still alive and well. and like i said really happy. its good to be loved
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