Mar 08, 2008 04:06
It's been a while. Sorry! It's just very busy moving from one country to another.
Most of you are on my email list, so I won't bore you with the same details as before. For those not on email, just know that the trip here SUCKED because United (the airline from HELL) managed to send our dogs to Chicago without us. And broke our luggage.
We're living in what's call Government Leased Housing (GLH) which means the Germans built the houses and own the land, while Americans live in it and the US gov pays the rent. Pretty sweet deal for us and the Germans, but probably not so much for the gov. Who knows, maybe it's cheaper for them.
We have loaner furniture until our shit arrives, hopefully that will be soon. The Jeep won't arrive until mid April at the latest, which will suck but at least it will get here eventually. My MySpace and Google automatically switched to German, which sucked but I think I finally got them all straightened out. The tiny bit of German I remember from College wasn't up to translating either page! Ian is going to take a course from the family support center, but I just can't justify spending 50 euro for a class when ten years ago I spent almost $500 to learn the language. Ah well. I may just have to suck it up and pay the money.
If our iPod Touches ever finish charging Ian and I are planning to walk as far as we can into Speicher and explore. Maybe even get a doner... I need a keyboard that makes umlauts. I guess without the umlaut it would be doener. Either way, I've raved about their tasty goodness for years, so we'll see what Ian thinks of them. If we get there before they close.
Guess that's all for now. I did post some pics to my MySpace page, although I should have resized them because they're awfully big.
Oh, I'll post about our trip into Trier when I get the pics loaded onto photobucket so I can have a pictorial account to go with the descriptions.
Later all!