It's Write-a-Tthon season and both Clarions are accepting sign ups. Both have deadlines coming up (CW=Saturday June 22, C=Sunday June 23.) And both are still short of their participant goals.
I know that if 300 people join the CW Write-a-thon, there will be matching pledges per writer. That's an awful lot of money!
And the wonderful thing about BOTH these Write-a-Tthons? You don't have to be a Clarion/Clarion West member. You don't have to be a student. You don't have to be a short story writer (calling all poets!) You just have to sign up with a goal and write for 6 weeks. (Helps if you can talk someone into pledging money to your effort, but EVEN THAT is not required.)
Sign up, set a writing goal, get set to write! And help the students in our writing communities.
Clarion Write-a-Thon Clarion West Write-a-thon btw, if you want to support ME in specific (with donations,) I'm registered with both of them! Look for Jude-Marie Green.