Apr 15, 2004 11:33
"Say Anything" started out as a twinkle in our eyes. My name is Charlie & my partner in crime is the wonderful, beautiful, amazing Dani O. We're not even a year old yet, and we have a lot accomplished. With a lot of help and support from friends, and the central florida community, Dani & I have worked our little tails off to get this going, and keep it going.
We recently had our first "Grand Slam," and it was a huge success. Our team was determined and is listed below:
Tod Caviness
Veronica Smith
Dani O.
(The status of SlamMaster is not something that is all too important. We like to think and promote as being run by everyone, but on the record, someone has to be the leader. So this role is shared by Dani O & myself, btw, my real name is Allison Berkowitz)
Our group is very talented, very diverse, and something that I am just so happy to be a part of. I'm sure that it is something you would love to be a part of too, so come by and see us =)