Mar 03, 2010 00:53
OMG done! I never thought I'll finish by March but it's done! Will sent them to photocopy tomorrow, and going to The Gardens to buy bookbinding materials.
People who will get copies: My 5 friends, Mona, Marisa, Arashida, Erzebet. Maybe a copy to my supervisors, but I'll be too shy to even give it to them.
What you'll find in the second volume of Your OTHER Left:
Articles on dancing, cake, bookstores and dreamcatchers.
Book reviews and quotes.
Poetry of my heart.
Song lyrics and playlist of the day.
Picture collage and artworks.
Contributions from my friends.
...and Lasto lalaith nîn (you'll have to read to find out).
And more!
I had a seriously crippling writer's block though, so I'm not sure bout the writing quality of this volume. Do let me know ya.
Now to focus on my presentation on 19 March. I'm thinking of studying Shirley Lim's Princess Shawl. Have to run by with Puan Siti first though. Hope she's in tomorrow.
bookbinding project