For whole December I didn’t touch this journal, and it’s time to do some serious writing now, because there has happened a lot from the last post I did.
So let’s start at the beginning or at least from November. It has happen quite a lot from that moment.
23. November 2009 - Saya graduates from university of Public Relations with a vote of 95/110 - not bad for a person who always had to struggle to not get F. But in the end I did it, a whole month before my birthday, I wanted to graduate before my 30ies, but I managed a month before my 29th birthday, so I’m quite proud of myself, and I also promised to my fiancé that I would finish University in 3 years, and I did so.
me with my work
me and my younger brother (he is 17 years old, on feb he'll be 18)
My partner congratulating me
1. December 2009 - my partner’s birthday, 31st, so he is growing old as he says, I say bullshit, he is a male so he doesn’t actually have problems with things like we females have.
18. December 2009 - I went to watch Avatar with my manwife, my brother and friends and it was awesome, really, I’m addicted
23. December 2009 - my 29th birthday, I was rotten spoiled by my friends, I got a cake in cat form for birthday, I got also a knife and some books and I didn’t drink because I was driving but I was happy anyway.
the cake I got for my birthday with written - the last "teenage" year
Me and my two Petras
25. December 2009 - Merry Christmas to everybody even if it’s already 2010? I got myself a present - Agenda 2010, so I can write my appointments in it.
front cover
27. December 2009 - I went to re-watch Avatar in 3D (now I need to see it in 6D) with other friends, and we almost were left without a ticket, it was 8 of us and we really get lucky and got the 8 last tickets, but it rocked anyway
31. December 2009 and 1. January 2010 (night time) - so we were 6 people at the apartment where I’ll go to live when I’ll have a job and be able to provide for myself. Around 2am in the morning I had to take away alcohol from my best friend and her sister because they were so done, that I had to make them drink an alcoholic stuff because they wouldn’t resist till morning, and then we played texas Poker - I lost… fortunately we didn’t played for money.
My friend Petra made this photo, so on it there are missing two persons: she and me.
1. January 2010 evening - My boyfriend after naturally I commented on the fact that 2010 is a good number to do something about, because it’s easier to count like I was born at the end of 1980… it’s easier to count… I graduated from high school on 2000, I know this year it’s the 10th anniversary… he got a clue and proposed to me… and we decided the date: September 10th or 11th (depends on where we are getting married)
And one last thing: I stopped smoking at the end of November, and I haven’t touched a cigarette in a month… I’m not out of it yet, but at least I’m enduring with only my power of will.