In the sign of Sex Pistols

Nov 14, 2008 18:31

So... because I ment to do it... I did it.
I made a subdomain for my Sex Pistols fanlistings under: SexPistols.Kawaii-Hito.Org, YEAH!
That means I revamped all 3 of them ^O^ -
kyuubi_naru  I SO HOPE YOU LIKE THE REVAMPS that I was promising from september!

The today I got unespected mail from misha, telling me that Kira's previous owner couldn't take her back, and if I still wanted to adopt it... and i said YES! So I have Kira Aso's fanlisting *O* Me happy! Thefanlisting lost all it's members - if you are a fan please join! u.u

In the TFL I was approved for the DominicxAmanda: Lay All Your Love on Me version.

teatime  (Lia) *o* adopted me Hybrid Child and now it's running!

And also... I crosslisted in Fanart Artists kitare 's fanlisting... while I was approved for Dragoneyes and Bleedman!

And now back to study in a week I have law exam!



EDIT: and I forgot about another revamp - I made a revamp for REBORN x LAMBO fanlisting ^O^ yay

adoption, revamp, approval, fanlist

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