(no subject)

Sep 13, 2006 23:12

The answer to all our troubles aren't written on our palms
Indifference towards society can't be cured with a smell of flower
All we are is nothing, fertilizer for dandelions
Life moves on, but memories and pictures stay in the mind
Look into the ocean, so wide and deep
Like the eyes you gazed into when you were young
Tiny ripples in the water affect everything
Just like our decisions can change the world
Power is sought after, like the fountain of youth
Anyone is willing to die for it
Although, it doesn't exist
Physical pain is nothing in comparison to the pain you feel every morning when you awake from your slumber
Stay up, late nights
Stare, contemplate
Wondering where did your mind go
Who do you belong to now?
Whom do you follow?
Create your own gods
Because there isn't anyone waiting on the other side of death
Only we hear our words
And truly believe what we say
Tear apart the fabric of society
And leave nothing, spare nothing
Then will you be truly happy

I didn't really have too much of a great today. Some little black kid ran after me while I walked home today, and then when he got decently close to me, he spat at me. Am I that disgusting? I just love how black people run around calling everyone/everything racist while they're the ones who are the racists. Maybe that's why they were locked up and used as slaves. Niggers. That was only shitty thing that happened to me today. I don't really want to write anything else about my feelings, because I just end up feeling shitter about myself. On a lighter note, my dog just ran in the room I'm in, shit, then left. Great way to finish off the day. Have a shit day, then pick up shit off the floor.
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