I know there's a million translations for this song out there and that I should be working on the Shiyagare producer's interview, but I felt like doing my own version anyway. It's a little less literal and not translated line by line at times, but I'm happy with the finished product.
It's really mostly done for myself and won't be pimped anywhere, so feel free to skip if you're sick and tired of seeing all the lyrics translations for Arashi's songs around lately. XD If you're interested in seeing how I interpreted it, then click below and take a look? ♥
嵐 - Troublemaker
色とりどりのマスクかぶって 偽りのキャラを演じきって
僕はひと口 果実かじって 悪くないってかいいんじゃない?!
Putting on a colourful mask
Acting out this spurious personality to perfection
I'm taking a bite of this fruit
It's not bad-- or rather, it's pretty good?!
TV/RADIOのノイズ破って 君の笑顔やけにまぶしくて
悩みの種はどこかへ飛んだ あっけらかんでいいんじゃない?
Your smile is so dazzling
it pierces through the noise of the TV and radio
The cause of your worries have flown off somewhere
Isn't it nice to not care at all?
Are you ready?
完璧なんてない sweet sweet
最大級のSoul do it! do it!
単純なくらい はじけろMoving now! Moving now!
Are you ready?
災難だってもう sweet sweet
そうLet's GoのSign do it! do it!
図々しいくらい 前向けMoving now! Moving now!
Are you ready?
Nothing's ever perfect sweet sweet
It's the strongest soul ever do it! do it!
Simply break out Moving now! Moving now!
Are you ready?
Even in the face of disaster sweet sweet
Yes, that's the Let's Go sign do it! do it!
Face forward without reserve Moving now! Moving now!
忘れかけてた夢を巡って 無くしかけてた愛を探して
君のナミダは もういらないさ もう遅い?なんて事はない!
Circling around the soon to be forgotten dream
Searching for the soon to be forgotten love
You don't need to cry anymore
You can never be too late!
有象無象のウワサ巡って 風がにわかに街を冷ました
ここは笑顔でブレずかわして あっけらかんでいいんじゃない?
A swarm of rumours are circulating
through streets abruptly chilled by the wind
That's when you interact with the same old smile
Isn't it nice to not care at all?
Are you ready?
考え中はない sweet sweet
千載一遇のチャンス do it! do it!
手に入れたんなら 駆け抜けShake it up! Shake it up!
Are you ready?
正攻法はない sweet sweet
この瞬間のJuice do it! do it!
飲み干したなら つらぬけShake it up! Shake it up!
Are you ready?
You can't keep thinking sweet sweet
It's a once in a lifetime chance do it! do it!
If it's in your hand then charge ahead Shake it up! Shake it up!
Are you ready?
There's no strategy to it sweet sweet
If you've drained all the juice from this instant
Then break on through Shake it up! Shake it up!
輝きを秘めたハートビート 刻んでゆくのさ
誰にもゆずれない 胸の奥には 光があるよ
Carve out the glow your heartbeat's been concealing
Don't surrender it to anyone
There's a light in the depths of your heart
散々な日も (散々な日も)
最高級のスマイル (最高級のスマイル)
図々しいくらい はじけろMoving now! Moving now!
The brightest smile ever (the brightest smile ever)
Even on those miserable days (even on those miserable days)
Face forward without reserve Moving now! Moving now!
Are you ready?
完璧なんてない sweet sweet
最大級のSoul do it! do it!
単純なくらい はじけろMoving now! Moving now!
Are you ready?
災難だってもう sweet sweet
そうLet's GoのSign do it! do it!
図々しいくらい 前向けMoving now! Moving now!
Are you ready?
Nothing's ever perfect sweet sweet
It's the strongest soul ever do it! do it!
Simply break out Moving now! Moving now!
Are you ready?
Even in the face of disaster sweet sweet
Yes, that's the Let's Go sign do it! do it!
Face forward without reserve Moving now! Moving now!
The heartbeat with its hidden glow...