[misc.] Johnny's Net - A Notice and Request to our Revered Fans

Nov 19, 2008 16:47

I... don't actually know why I translated this, since most of you are probably not part of the fanclub, and if you are you'd probably be able to understand it, but I guess I wanted to try my hand at translating something formal? Anyway, this is a notice they posted on the official site today regarding warning emails sent to fanclub members about breaking rules/selling tickets, or mails that require them to pay additional fees in order to re-register. Um, read if you want? XD


Johnny's Net - A Notice and Request to our Revered Fans

Did you know? ~The "Warning Mails to Fanclub Members Regarding Rule Breaking and Ticket Selling" are fake~

"Even though the fanclub members didn't break any rules, we received warning mails from the Family Club Concert Agency." We were contacted by many revered family club members in this fashion.

Family Club will deal severely with members who break the rules on an individual basis; however, we absolutely do not employ the service of sending out separate warning mails to the mail addresses from your FC registrations.

As well, regarding our official homepage and expenses beyond the fees stated clearly in your membership agreement (annual fees and so on), we absolutely do not keep individual records of our revered club members' information, even any kind of name.

Mails of news updates sent from Johnny's Family Club: Concert Agency will always have a legitimate contact number (0570-033-366/0570-000-014) stated clearly.

- To those who receive impersonation mails from Family Club and Concert Agency without a legitimate contact number stated clearly, please discard them immediately. Do not open or reply to them.

- To those who say "I've replied to them!" or "They're requesting a fee for re-registration!", there is a possibility that your mail address is being misused. Based on your own judgement, we would recommend changing your address.

- "I've paid the money!" ⇒ This is fraud. Please report this immediately to the police nearest you.

If you think "Isn't this weird?", please believe in your own instincts and be sure to discuss it with the Family Club: Concert Agency. (※ Due to discussions, we absolutely will not impose "forced withdrawal from the fanclub" on anyone!)

This is a malicious deed that takes advantage of the mentality of fans. Revealing your own address on the internet and buying and selling tickets to a third party are very dangerous involvements. To our revered fans, beyond reading the fanclub rules as well the rules regarding the selling of tickets, in order to avoid being victimised, please be extremely careful.

- If you have discovered an illegal website or have information on fraudulent practices, please provide them to the Todoufuken Police cybercrime consultation service. We ask for your cooperation.

- Concerning illegal acts and harmful news, Internet Hotline will also be accepting any information given.

It is the most sorrowful thing for our talents to have their revered fans become victims of crime. If you think "Is this really true...?", please believe in that instinct and discuss it with the police immediately.

We ask for the understanding of our revered fans once again.

Family Club
Concert Agency

Link: http://www.johnnys-net.jp/j/_ppp/matters.html


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