Reasons Why Last Year Hated Me...

Feb 04, 2007 12:57


1.) Yesterday while driving to Best Buys, a lady started to jaywalk across the street. Cars, of course, honked at her, but she got mad and threw a CAT. A FREAKIN' CAT. I screamed so loud even though it was thrown at the car in front of mine. Then, to make matters worse, a car off to the side accidently HIT the cat. I screamed again. I hadn't known at first that the lady had THROWN it (I didn't know where the cat came from, all I had known at the time was that the cat hit the car), so I started to cry yelling "Why did they have to hit it again?" I was hysterical, but I didn't see a lot of it, my mom told me to look the other way. She says the passenger to the car ahead of us got out and grabbed the lady. I sure as Hell hope she got arrested. I want her to BURN no matter what her problem was. I don't care if she was born that way, high on crack, or just stressed out. I WANT HER TO DIE AND BURN IN HELL.

2.) On the same said yesterday, it became a major concern that my guinea pig, Miruku, hadn't been eating. I mean, me and my sis have bad communication. So I thought (or rather, hoped) the night before when I noticed he stopped eating was due to the fact that they had already been fed. I started to cry, pleading with God to not do this now when we had just put down our eighteen year old cat a month ago. I asked him to do what was best at the end, and I believe I said my goodbyes that night. So anyways, onto yesternight. We took him to emergency (not the one we had taken our other guinea pig to since they said flat out that the only thing they could do was put him down) and had to wait near THREE HOURS. We got into a room and took him out for the nurse to weigh him and he started to have a seizure RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF US. It was scary as Hell. She asked if he had been doing that the whole time, but we said no. She took him into the other room and then soon called us back. The doctor said that he had stopped breathing on his own, and that his heartbeat was still going, but was going to cease soon. He was so kind about it, and told us we had done a great job of taking care of him, but it was just his time for whatever natural reason. Miruku's heart gave way in under six minutes, and my family said it's goodbyes. I didn't need to, since I had known the whole time he wasn't coming home with us in the literal bodily way. It still hurts, but I know he's no longer scared or in pain. I didn't (don't) need to cry, though I feel like I should. But I'm all right for now. My chest just screams out in pain everytime I walk by the cage and only see his two brothers lieing in it.

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