as of right now

Jul 08, 2008 15:30

I can't really pinpoint any of my emotions right now.

But I know that not one of them is good.

Im always trying to look at the bright side but right now I'm struggling to see it.

My parents are divorcing.
I'm being ripped from my home, my family bond right now is pretty much non existant.

I'm feeling so guilty for leaving my dad alone in this house but I just can't live with him anymore.

Arlean knows a lot more about me and we are really close.
Which really scares me.
She has AIDS. And she is not going to live forever.

And what about zain? How will this affect him? Especially with his condition he cannot handle change well. What will he do when daddy is not around everyday after school?

Surely my dad will break down and miss him every single day he doesn't hear him ask what he did at work.

Idk. I'm so torn lately and have been crying a lot. I have been trying to be upbeat and have fun when I'm out, but I really am so mixed up about this that I feel like I can't function.

All I want to do is sleep. And be with mikey, the only thing that seems to lighten my stress load lately.

So now in the next month me, arlean, zain and 2 cats and 2 dogs need to find somewhere to live. For under 725$ a month. That's impossible, and I don't know how we are supposed to do it.

I'm so worried about money and situations I feel overwhelmed. How will we make it with just one car?

The thing I'm most worried about is how I will afford college now. And how will zain get through school?

Idk. All I know is I will get through it eventually.
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