Jul 16, 2005 09:00
Alright, it's been a while.
Unfortunately I don't have that much time because I have to get ready for Logan and Jenni's wedding(YAYAYYAYAY), but I thought it was due time for an update.
Florida was AMAZING. Southeastern is AMAZING and I can't wait to go. I mean, I can... but the excited factor is slowly taking over the nervousness and uncertainty. We went to a couple beaches, which of course was my favorite part. My mom and sister are all about the pools and crap.. not me man. I loooove the beach. It was so nice to just chill with my mom and sister, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
Now Fa-Ho-Lo. Ok, there aren't enough words or time to describe it.. there never will be. I think you have to be there to fully understand and comprehend what the experience is like. It was a really good week to end on, I can't even believe it was our last year. Going into the week, I thought there was no way that it could be better than last year. Now that I think about it, you can't really compare the years. Each year is different, and I can't pick a "best year".. because they all were awesome! And even though the services are entirely predictable, I was still able to experience God in a new way and he showed me A LOT this week.
Ok.. this is way too long and I gotta go. I'll update later!!!