Aug 08, 2005 23:13
well, it might not have been funny to her, but it was funny to me.
NFGgirlrocks: sup biatch
Angell8: haha, i left a message for sco today and said, "hey skank!"
NFGgirlrocks: haha
NFGgirlrocks: that makes me laugh
NFGgirlrocks: cuz it's true
Angell8: becky just called me freaking out cause she thought it was tonite at 8
NFGgirlrocks: haha
NFGgirlrocks: silly becky
NFGgirlrocks: she should be DEAD
Angell8: ok, i want an ice cream sandwiches
NFGgirlrocks: hellloooo i have some
NFGgirlrocks: so i'm gonna go eat one
NFGgirlrocks: so i can shove it in your face
Angell8: k, we have these things at work...called dibs
Angell8: not sure what they are....but i think they're like candy bars and ice cream frozen in little balls of....wonderfullness
Angell8: and i want some
NFGgirlrocks: haha
NFGgirlrocks: balls of wonderfullness
NFGgirlrocks: that's kinky
Auto response from NFGgirlrocks: i'm urinating. just for libby. and her balls of wonderfullness.:-D
NFGgirlrocks: i was eating an ice cream sandwich
NFGgirlrocks: actually, it was slim-a-bear
NFGgirlrocks: which is an ice cream sandwhich, only healthier
Angell8: sounds gross
Angell8: i've never had pms like this before, where i just need chocolate all the time
NFGgirlrocks: i've never had pms like this before, where i call my best friend a bitch
NFGgirlrocks: oh wait... i call you a bitch all the time