Sep 17, 2005 14:56
So although I've had a pretty crappy day today... its nice to know that it's only ONE day of the many many more that I've been sooo happy lately. Life is a beautiful thing, and no matter how down you feel, its easy to get out and make a change.
Barring a fatal illness, I think i shall realize how absolutely blessed I am. Really I probably shouldn't be able to walk or dance, maybe not even be alive. That's a scary thought. Why is it taking so long for this lesson to sink in?
Talked to someone the other day who was telling me a little about himself. Used to be heavy into drugs and lost his best friend to an overdose. Then he started getting his life in order, fell in love and proposed to a girl... she then overdosed because she felt life was hopeless and she wasn't good enough for him. pretty rough huh? how am i supposed to respond to that? anyways, it's a beautiful day outside and I'm going to go take my biochem book and lay in the sun.
By the way, the more i understand in biochem, analytical chem, genetics, cell bio, immunology etc. the more i wonder how anyone who is sane can think that creation is solely an accident! the delicate intricacies point to a creator more than anything i can see around me. the more we understand about life, the more we realize we don't understand. there are more and more complicated mechanisms to study the further you become involved and know the processes of the body. it's absolutely amazing and I stand in awe and wonder of a God so awesome that he could do all this in the blink of an eye really.