why hello there!

Jan 22, 2015 23:15

Wow!  It has definitely been a very long time since I have graced the virtual world of LJ with my presence.  It's hard to believe that this was the place where I spent a lot of time back in college/grad school.  Now it's like an old filing cabinet that only gets opened once in a blue moon.

If you're wondering what happened since the last time I posted nearly two years ago, I got two words for you: real life.  Now that I am working two jobs and just living, its been quite difficult to come back at full force.  Coming back to this place makes me yearn for my college years, but those have come and gone and all I have are memories.  And an almost-dead harddrive T____T

Anyway, this might be my new push to get back into blogging.  We will see; this may be a promise that I can't keep up with.  But we will try!  So I am bringing back a blast from the past...an old survey I took back in 2012 with my 2015 commentary in the parenthesis....this should be good!

What is your middle name? Acasio (nothing has changed there...at least I hope not)

What are you passionate about? Traveling. Helping people out. Angry Birds.  Johnny's! (still good with the first two. the third one I gave up a long time ago.  Not so much with Johnny's anymore.  I also have a new found passion for education and creating things with my hands)

Zebra or leopard print? Both. But I don't wear them (NEITHER.  Oh gosh animal print is so early 2010's)

Do you have any fears? Heights (yup I can confirm that this has not changed)

Silver or gold? Silver. (oooh...this is a hard one. I like silver jewelry...gold doesn't go with my skin tone very well.  But I love gold details on things...so shiny)

Top three places to visit. Japan, UK, Madagascar (still Japan.  Europe as a whole.  And the rest of the US that I have not been to yet)

Where are you from? Hawaii…but when I was in Australia, people didn’t understand my accent when I said “Hawaii” so I said I was from California.  (HAH that was funny...strange accents!)

First career you wanted as a child: Teacher (still true)

Future names of your children: Hmm...good question! (funny I have actually thought about this more in recent years.  I like names that are gender neutral. Like Dylan, Riley, Logan, Reagan, etc.  And my kids will also have a Hawaiian name and my maiden name as middle names. Just saying)

What are you listening to right now? The rain. (myself typing.)

Do you believe in fate/destiny? Sometimes. (I definitely do now.)

What are your career goals? College/career counselor for underprivileged & low-income students.  (hm.  I think this is still true.  But I want my PhD)

What is your favorite color? Yellow (I dont have a favorite color per say....I have a handful of favorite colors and color combinations.  Like gold, light pink, and cream.  Grey, white, and pastel yellow.  Blues and purples. etc. etc.)

What is your favorite flower? Stephanotis & roses. (Peonies.  and roses. and anything you can make a flower crown with)

What was the first concert/show you attended? Most likely Sesame Street Live. Don’t remember how old I was but I saw pictures. (same same)

Something you are working on right now: Testimony for HGA & my paper for publication (stuff for work.  and my beach bod!)

Have you ever had a near-death experience? Hmmm.  Maybe? (several times, all of which happened while I was driving)

Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? I work well under pressure. Lots of it. (I dabble between the two now)

Left or right handed? Right. (no change)

TV shows and anime you watch regularly. The Big Bang Theory. (Bizzare Foods America, Anthony Bourdain shows, etc.)

Halloween costume idea for this year? none at the moment (none yet)

What is your relationship status? Free to roam. LOL. (still free!)

Last movies you watched? In theatres? Journey 2. On DVD, Despicable Me. (Mockingjay part 1.  White Chicks.)

Your best friend’s name. I don’t have a best friend…more like a big handful of really great friends. (anne, daniza, kara, blaze, jamie, morris)

A song that’s been stuck in your head. Home is Where the Heart Is, by Lady Antebellum.  (a Taylor Swift song from her most recent album)
A book you want to read/have recently read. The last book in the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. (I have a large to-read list)

working girl chronicles, long time no see, real world, busy busy angel, life, looking back

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