Even The Best Fall Down Sometimes...

Oct 17, 2005 21:10

Oooops..I deleted the entry I just put up..LOL..so all my comments were lost..oh well..they're in my heart..LOL :-P


I love knowing that at the end of the day, theres those few people that make everything ok no matter how bad things can get. <33 :-)

I also love knowing that I have a korean boy who stays up way too late. So when I'm awakened by thunder and lightening he's there too calm me. :-)

Mexico stole Darren.

Speaking of Mexico, I make bomb-ass quesadillas.

ZigeunerKylighet: elfen boys & jewish girls
DagoraElfTarien: for the thousandth time, IM NOT JEWISH!! LOLL
ZigeunerKylighet: so you claim...
DagoraElfTarien: LOLL why would I lie?!
ZigeunerKylighet: to veil the fact that your family owns a temple
ZigeunerKylighet: hmm?
DagoraElfTarien: damn, I just can't have secrets from you can I?

ZigeunerKylighet: you should've been in new york last week
DagoraElfTarien: i tried, but my teleporation device was lost in a tragic cooking mishap
ZigeunerKylighet: i hate when that happens!

He has internet again. All is right in the world.  lol.

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