Oct 05, 2005 19:46
1. First name? Heather
> 2. Were you named after anyone? yup... Heather Anita Treptau (Anita after my g-mom)
> 3. Do you wish on stars? always
> 4. When did you last cry? last night
> 5. Do you like your handwriting? not really
> 6. What is your favorite lunch meat? turkey
> 7. What is your birth date? December 4, 1989
> 8. What is your most embarrassing CD? titanic soundtrack
> 9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? absolutely
> 10. Do you have a journal? A livejournal
> 11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? ya i guess so
> 12. Would you bungee jump? i'f absolutely love to
> 13. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? lol don't know what kind of ? that is but no i don't
> 14. Do you think that you are strong? Like err big heavy lifter strong? uh.... not at all
> 15. What are your favorite ice cream flavors? (home-made anything) vanilla and cookies and cream...
> 16. Shoe Size? 7-71/2
> 17. Red or pink? pink
> 18. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? when i get mad i do things that i regret later
> 19. Who do you miss most? Mr. White
> > 21. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? ae jeans and no shoes
> 22. What are you listening to right now? nothing
> 23. Last thing you ate? some chicken noodle soup my granny made for me. i suredo love my granny
> 24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? bright lime green
> 25. What is the weather like right now? dark (not to cold and not to hot)
> 26. Last person you talked to on the phone? stephen
> > 29. Favorite Drink? hawiian punch
> 30. Favorite Sport? band (yes i consider it a sport :))
> 31. Hair Color? Brown
> 32. Eye Color? blue or gray or slightly green sometimes
> 33 contacts?Do I wear them??? nope
> 34. Favorite Food? fettichini alfrado
> 35. Last movie you watched? watchin drumline as we speak
> 36. Favorite Day Of The Year? the day i meet the guy of my dreams
> 37. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? scary
> 38. Summer Or Winter? winter
> 40. What do you want to be when you grow up? physical therapist
> 41. Would you sacrifice your life to save your friends? without any hesitation at all!
> 42. What are your favorite tv shows? I dont really have any (maybe family guy)
> 43. What Books Are You Reading? reading? lol. only if i have to
> 44. What are some of your favorite songs? christian
> 45. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? didn't have time (study, study, study...)
> 46. Favorite Smells? guy's Curve (very yummy) and vanilla scent
> 47. Favorite Sounds? nature
> 48. Rolling Stones or Beatles? beatles
> 49. What's the furthest you've been from home? new york, new york
> 50. Do you have a special talent? ummm idk maybe playin the sax
> 51. Do you believe in ghosts? no
> 52. What is your ring tone? my phone got stolled
> 53. Why did you do this? 8:06
> 54. How would your friends describe you? i have no clue....
> 55. What are you doing right now? should be studying
> Ok, final question: What is your favortie quote?(i have so many but i'm just sayin the 1st that comes to mind) experiance is the hardest teacher of all, because she gives the test first and the lesson after...