Sep 18, 2002 08:21
bleh bleh bleh
not really much to talk about.
it's wednesday... the third 14 hour shift that i am working this week.
i'm really tired. i seemingly don't get enough sleep, but i get at least 7 hours, which should be plenty.
i really, really hate people sometimes. not everyone, but just some people. people who are out there and just don't give a fuck. people that are there who think that we owe them everything just because they don't like our policy. or, wait... maybe i just hate my job. maybe that too.
merrrrr it's cold in here.
i forgot today was a potluck day. yay! :) no way can you beat free food.
ahhhh, i'm tired.... ;^O^;
another 13 hours left today.
i feel like sleeping. la la la la la la.
i should just sit here and be all zombish, and when a call beeps in it'll act as an alarm clock to wake me up to do the call, and then when i'm finished with it, i'll go back to zombish.
i'll do that in a bit.
why why?! i don't understand!