May 07, 2005 00:50
Took my Greek exam this afternoon. It went terrifically well. I'm definitely expecting an A on that exam, which is nice. One less thing to worry about. I accidentally took a two and a half hour nap between 5:30 and 8 tonight, so needless to say, I'm not very tired right now. I got articles for my Latin paper this afternoon, and I've read them all, so I am going to try to write the paper tonight, or at least outline and brain dump. It's only a six page paper, which will be a nice precursor to the 12-20 page one for Philo, and the 10-15 page one for Afram (for which I haven't exactly done a lot of research yet...). So hopefully I can get that done, or mostly done tonight, and then focus on the other crappy papers I have write.
I was invited to go drink with Jen and her friends tonite and I reeeeeally wanted to go. I haven't done much socializing without Erik in the last ten months (and I'm not complaining - Erik is my dream!) but still. It would be nice. He's working tonight and going home tomorrow for the weekend. It will be a quiet few days, but hopefully I can get lots of writing done. I unfortunately focus better when he's not arond. He's a bit of a distraction, being so sexy and lovable and all :) But tomorrow night I'm hopefully going to Burn Down the Disco with Jen! I haven't been dancing in MONTHS. This will be awesome.
Something has always bothered me, and I am going to make it public for anyone who bothers to read this damn thing (anyone? anyone? Bueller?). Petty little conversations that no one really cares about having. Example: if you see someone you know, but don't really see very often, the expected question is "how are you?" or "how have you been?" The answers that are usually given are "Oh, I'm ok. I've been alright. I've been really busy. I'm good. And you?" Nobody really seems to care about these interactions. The thing is: I DO. If I ask someone that question, I want to know how they've been! I want to hear if life has been great or sucky or if they've gone anywhere exciting or done anything cool. I *care* how they're doing, dammit! It's exam time at MHC, and same thing - you see someone, you ask "how's the work coming?" Usual response: "Oh, you know. It's coming. Eh. I'm stressed. It'll get done." BAHH! If I ask, I actually am interested in hearing if they've taken any finals so far, how they've gone, how their studying for other finals is coming, what papers they have left to write, how they're feeling about them, etc. Am I the only one who actually cares about these seemingly meaningless conversations? Am I the only person left on the planet who actually means "How are you"?
So. My rant of the night. And now I don't feel like going back into the living room to do more Latin work. But I'm not tired yet. Humph.
I'm hungry, and I want to go to the twenty four hour Dunkin Donuts for a latte, but my car is all the way down in Gorse, and I'm too f-ing lazy to go get it, then park it there when I come back. It's cold out. And that parking lot is scary, dude.
Just counting the hours until summer.....