Nov 25, 2006 09:29
well im all used to florida now.
school is..... well the amount of drama that you would expect from a place that is 95% female.
it just annoys me when i get volunteered to give free hair cuts.
Ummm... i took a few days off school (which i really can't afford to be doing)
but it is nice not having to go there on a saturday for once.
I got a job at blockbuster...its about 5 minutes from my house. The manager thinks im some sort of video store savior. honestly i would rather be working at a salon or something that offers career experience, but this is really the only place that isnt a restaurant that is open late enough to deal with my school hours.
my hair is light orange (on accident) now. I have to bleach it again but i dont want it to fall out. haha.
i forgot how to right a proper livejournal entry AHHhh/
randy lives about a mile away from me but i still never get to see him because of our scedules.
i went with my mom to the jewelry store and picked out a ring (VERY EXCITED FOR X>MAS!!!)
honestly i just want to be done with school, it feels like i'm in jr high all over again. You get "writted up" for leaving school early without a valid excuse/dr's note. and if are ten minutes late from lunch they hunt you down and yell at you.
But this weekend will be good orientation today, maybe christmas shopping tomorow, and i work 10-5 monday. im so sick of being poor i actually want to work.
it feels so weird to being posting in my livejournal.
maybe i will start up the fad again and it will be like high school haha.
have a good thanksgiving weekend!