Vanilla Ice Cream and the Black Pathers (Copyrighted)

Jan 18, 2009 17:52

It's almost been 4 years!! AH!!!!

Anyway, I feel like I've been neglecting my blogging days. In fact, I miss blogging about my days! Just FYI, the title of this blog is the name of the book that Ashley is going write. It has nothing to do with this blog whatsoever but I thought it was funny. :D

These past 3 and half years have been cram-packed with sooo many things that's it's impossible to type about them all here! So, I'll tell you all about the recent happenings over this past year. :D

Unfortunately, I had to drop of school because I could no long afford to go. I didn't get shit from financial aid and my dad was one of the MANY Americans that got screwed over with the whole adjustable rate mortgage scheme. I know you guys are disappointed, but what's a guy to do?

You're right! I got my first job! I worked at E*Health Line. It's a company that's completely bull shit. After working 9 months of hell that job, Ashley convinced me to apply for a job at Health Net! After two weeks of background checks, drug checks, financial checks, and interviews, I was quickly hired as an employee of Health Net Federal Services. I've currently been working in the RAOC department of HNFS for about 9 months already.

During these 9 months at HNFS, I've met lots of really awesome people! Marie, Annette, and Erin are my best friends at work! We do lots of stuff together! We watch Heroes, Sushi Fridays, talk about things that are completely BS (Like Linh being a "vegetarian"), talk about poop and so many other hilarious things! You have to do something to make work a more enjoyable place, right? :D

During the election time, Marie and I took part in many of the Marriage Equality rallies that took place at the capitol. So many people joined together to protest the passing of Proposition 8. It was such a great feeling to be around so many like minded individuals who all just want what we are all entitled to: equality. :) Before the rallies that took place at the Capitol, Ashley and I took part in many of the rallies that happened in Citrus Heights at the intersection of Greenback and Sunrise and there were hundreds of people crammed up on each of the four corners. There was so much yelling, hatred, and police. It was cold, raining, and we were standing for HOURS holding signs for people as they drove by. It was definitely an experience I won't forget. I can't look at that intersection the same way anymore.

Anyway, on the plus side, I finally have my own apartment! :D I do not live with my dad anymore. It's definitely something everyone should have the chance to experience. You can do whatever you want, leave whenever you want, come home whenever you want.. pretty much, you can do whatever you want! :D

*Sigh* Ok. I need to go clean my house. It's looking rather disastrous as of late. I'm going to try and post here more often! I will post for you guys later! Peace out!

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