Jan 22, 2008 21:58
Just about 3 years ago to the day (on January 23, 2005) I made all posts anonymous, turned off IP Tracking, and asked that people say anything they wanted to or about me.
The first reply was as follows:
out of everyone i knew in high school, i secretly (not so secretly anymore?) wanted you to succeed the most, because i feel that you honestly deserve it.
i still do, too.
make it happen.
I haven't updated LJ in over 2 years, and I don't plan on ever writing in it again, nor will I check for responses to this post. But I wanted to say something in the highly unlikely chance that this person may still have LJ, and might read this post. I never knew who it was the put that up there, and I'm sure I'll always wonder, but I wanted to let him/her know that even though I've never known who it came from, this small compliment has gotten me through more rough days than anyone could possibly imagine. It has meant more to me than anything anyone else has ever told me in my life, and knowing that at one point someone out there thought I could succeed continues to motivate me every time I feel like giving up.
So to you, anonymous stranger, thank you.