Mar 27, 2009 04:24
My life. Is amazing.
All I have to do is step back and take a look at my past and look at all of the things I have experienced and all of the opportunities that I have right now to amaze myself. Sharing an amazing trip to New York city with both of my brothers and to have the sheer luck to end up seeing my two favorite cousins there as well.
Visiting L.A. twice in 1 year.
The opportunity to stay in New York city ANYTIME for free!
Literally having the BEST time of my entire life visiting Indianapolis on ANY of the three occasions that I have done so.
Watching my own cousin be ordained as a Priest.
Smoking cigars with my 2 brothers and my dad, as well as my uncle
Seeing the Dave Matthews Band AND The Allman Brothers share the same stage 100 feet in front of me with my dad in Atlanta. And then walking THROUGH Atlanta with 18,000 people.
The plethora of knowledge and influence available from so many different sides of my family
I have so many things I am grateful for, and I wouldn't change a single thing. These experiences I wouldn't trade for any others. So few people have the ability or chance to take part in what I have done, to the degree that I have done.
And for the future?
I have what I believe is the love of my life moving in with me into our first apartment together in August, and moving in with me right now on May 1st.
I am interviewing for an internship with the Governor for over the Summer, and I am already accepted as an intern for several offices in the State Legislature.
I am visiting San Jose California to spend a week with my brother Richard over the Summer.
I am going to Grad school in Indiana.
I am going to successfully major in Political Science and I am officially minoring in Economics.
Depending on where my internships lead, I may transfer to IU or IUPUI to get either a degree from Purdue or Indiana University rather than from FSU.
All of these choices are available and possible to me, and that's just right now. I am excited to learn what new opportunities are going to open up for me over the next 2 years. I refuse to falter and I refuse to allow myself to become one of the ones who stay in transition and never excel in a successful career.
What are you going to do? How successful will YOU be? And what possibilities will that career even allow you?
I don't believe I will struggle for money. I sincerely don't feel threatened in that aspect.